The Web of Sleep
The Web of Sleep
Into the halls of darkness
into the Sarcophagus of night
strands of light filter into the gloom
to begin their daily entrance
Night gently recedes with grace
as the conciousness is aroused
A downward spiral, a whirlpool of dreams
hurries to avoid recognition
Only a sudden grasp
may retrieve one such
nocturnal perambulation
At this crucial point we slip
from fantasy into the domain
of light to greet a dawn anew
From a cavenous slumber
thoughts are energised
Curtains and drapes offer no exclusion
or retreat back into the land of dreams
Day is here as we stare at the ceiling
with expectancy and dread
The interlude of sleep
with its myriad of confused dreams
is locked away in a world dark and warm
and remote
Jezer Urena
Thu 11th Oct 2018 00:33
The curious unfolding of the unconscious. Beautiful.