Waiting for Mummy
I hide in Nana’s front yard,
Watching for Mummy’s car.
I can hardly wait to see her.
My Nana is wonderful,
But I love my mummy.
When Mummy parks
She just sits there,
With her nose on the wheel
And her shoulders funny.
Then she pulls her stuff out
And walks slowly around the car,
Looking for ants, I think.
Nana’s gravel goes crunch crunch.
‘Mummy!’ I yell, and I jump out.
‘Mummy, I’m here!’
Her head jerks up, and her earrings swing.
She smiles like sunshine.
She holds out her arms to scoop me up.
‘Hi, Pumpkin!’ she laughs
And runs the last few steps.
‘I am so glad to see you!’
Cynthia Buell Thomas
winston plowes
Sat 16th Jan 2010 00:50
Cynthia... this changed my night.. thankyou. Great observations. Great child like observations and language. heart strings etc .It had everything for a poem of this type... i could go on. Win x Thanks for posting.