The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Sensory Intensity

Sensory Intensity


LED lights getting brighter. God

my eyeballs hurt.

Dyson dryers far too loud.

How fast do you need

to dry your hands? Slow down. 

It seems like all the world wants more.

And wants it now.

More power. Turn it up. Make it





Till we drown.

We’re not hardwired for this

hardwired intensity. Not on a daily basis.

Feeling wired is only partly metaphor.

My filter’s tired. My brain is sore.

Input always on. Come on.

Go faster on the hamster wheel.

You’re feeling stressed? Invest in more high tech

solutions. Sorry what? Can’t hear you for the slamming

of my sanity into the wall of sound surround

-ed by a screaming frequency to fry my brain.

My teeth on edge 

while yours it seems are getting whiter.

Right that’s it I’ve gone insane.


If you’re wondering where I am

you’ll find I’m hiding in the trees.


©️Janey Colbourne 2018



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Janey Colbourne

Wed 7th Nov 2018 17:39

Good one M.C. Newberry

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 5th Nov 2018 16:58

Tranquility is a state of mind
No more, no less, I tend to find;
Noise is relative to the brain
Too much? too little? - both a strain
On what our human hi-fi needs,
Trying to balance incoming "feeds". ?

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Janey Colbourne

Sun 4th Nov 2018 21:07

Shopping centres, or as we call them now, malls, are my nemesis

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Janey Colbourne

Sun 4th Nov 2018 21:03

Thank you so much everyone. Hope you can all find some peace. I myself am a mass of contradictions as you may know if you’ve come across my music ?
And I think it’s probably true that a lot of writers are highly sensitive. That’s our super power I think.

Raypool thank you that’s an awesome compliment.

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Sun 4th Nov 2018 16:27

Apparently there is an experimental manmade cave which is designed to remove any noise at all, in which people have claimed to hear inner body sounds. Can you imagine? No need to go that far, but up a mountain is a good place, where a sense of holiness can survive. This is a rip roaring poem in desperation. Nicely expressed.

You're right about super lighting, pretty horrendous. Martin has it right too about sensitives.


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Martin Elder

Sun 4th Nov 2018 14:22

I often wonder whether being users of the written and spoken word that we are more often than not more attune to this sensory overload. I find going to London for any length of time is the worst experience ever.

Nice one Janey

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keith jeffries

Sun 4th Nov 2018 13:44


Thank you. I enjoyed this poem and share your urgent need to race off to some tranquil place. We seem to have created our own hell here on earth.

Good poem


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Taylor Crowshaw

Sun 4th Nov 2018 11:40

Can I join it.?

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Jon Stainsby

Sun 4th Nov 2018 10:02

Best place to be. Love it.

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