Testing Poets
All poets
should be tested for
communicable conditions
some communicate
better than others
once bitten
there is not much that can be done
poets hardly ever recover
they become carriers
of infectious words
there is no vaccine
poets continue to spread
thoughts and ideas
in sickness and in health
till death do they part.
Don Matthews
Tue 27th Nov 2018 03:28
What a mixed up bunch we are
Keith's infected, see?
Anya's infected to the max
And Po's got STD
Dk says he's cured as HAM
Methinks he's off with birds
It seems I've also cured myself
No longer lost for words
Thankyou dk for pulling out
Poetic thoughts from all
We're happy little poets, yep?
Join in, let's have a ball
(who let this Aussie into the country ? ?... Brian, it's all your fault. He hasn't commented so he won't know I've said this)