Like a familiar returning refrain
Stretched the empty Devon lane
Taking me on - yet taking me back
To folk and times I won't see again.
Faces long gone and Christmases past
Haunting me by not holding fast
Both whispering down that empty track
"Nothing in your life will last".
The tide below the coast blew spume
Above the shingle's ceaseless boom
In Mother Nature's tireless attack
While buffeted seabirds fought for room.
The wailing wind in mournful dirge
Matched each incoming tidal surge
Amplifying all life seemed to lack
That hope alone would ever purge.
Lane, coast and sea lay all around
A symphony of sight and sound
As my mind took on a different tack
Seeking the solace to be found.
High above the grey clouds parted
By the smiling sun outsmarted
Its sudden gleam was like a smack
No longer did I feel sadhearted
Be happy, it said, for what is now
Be grateful for what you knew - and how
Live for the present - no turning back
And make that your eternal vow!
That empty Devon lane I knew
Became a way to see life through
My surroundings had revealed a crack
And looking I was shown how new hope grew.
John Coopey
Mon 17th Dec 2018 18:07
I concur with everything that has been said, MC. How it is not POTW I'll never know.
Just a thought - fancy setting it to music?