Sharpen Your Wit
Keep your tongue razor sharp, in case you ever need it,
Place an embargo on your ego, so you never need to feed it,
Don't mumble that you're humble, the knowledge is enough,
Speak, don't be meek and if they don't like it, tough.
Wake up yawning every morning but don't spend the day asleep,
Prepare for some despair and when you need to, weep,
Sharpen your wit 'cos there's some shit that life will throw your way,
Work hard, when working's what's required, but don't forget to play.
Mae Foreman
Mon 4th Mar 2019 09:28
Wake up yawning every morning but don't spend the day asleep. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort for just that... It takes a lot of guts to keep your tongue razor sharp and most of all putting an embargo in your ego... Thanks for voicing that. It had to be said by somebody!?
Wonderful as always Jason!