'Star Scran and Honey Madness' by Kealan Coady is Write Out Loud Poem of the Week
Our Poem of the Week is 'Star Scran and Honey Madness' by Kealan Coady, a breathless piece of psychedelia that drips with deep space imagery and invites us to trip the light fantastic. Though we start off flat on our backs on a carpet, we travel through time and space on a surreal and beautiful journey towards realisation. Like Alice, we fall down to a wonderland created by Kealan's fine use of language and imagination.
Below, he answers our Q&A;
What got you into writing poetry?
One of my earliest memories is of writing a poem. It's just something I've always done.
How long have you been writing?
Do you go to any open-mic nights?
I used to but I'm not really a performance poet. For me writing is a very private thing, the process anyway, and most of my stuff these days is heading toward concrete which would be fairly awkward to read aloud.
What’s your favourite poet/poem?
Dylan Thomas, The Force That Through The Green Fuse Drives The Flower
You're cast away on a desert island. What's your luxury?
Natalie Dormer
Star Scran and Honey Madness
by Kealan Coady
flat on your back on the carpet
breaths long like oceans whirling
the sea moves through you
heart a lung of stars
Quartz thoughts replenish
strands of peace
a feast has many faces,
horned or haloed, energy everlasting
gulp your fill
seek the spark of angels’ burning
effigies of dreams from Lyra
kiss the quiet
unconditional light and the cosmic tickle
of stars like pins and needles
vibrate the ouija-world
as meaty ghosts unfurl unlikely dimensions
lay them out in front of us
as cats with airborne corpses
we exhale and purring pours the particles
mechanics resonate waves as lives imagined
we are fuel
yoke, white and shell
derangement at a distance feels like honey
multiples of multiples
and further outward yet, a snarling well
a black groan yawning clusters inward
and we as flies to the sap
in turn internally an intern
commanders the sun
also need to feed
keith jeffries
Wed 8th May 2019 21:06
You continue to excel with another splendid poem which stimulates the readers imagination.
Well done and congratulations