The C-Word
This thing
which lives inside them
grows larger everyday
it spreads like wildfire
and patients are the parched grass
the doctors love their drugs
chemo will do the trick
till hair falls out
and the body weakens
fatigued by what it won't accept
then people become polite
whisper in hospital corridors
do not say it out loud
all the pink ribbons
all the years of research
won't put it away
it multiplies
the power of such tiny cells
metastasizing in tumors
spread in blood
in secret
until it is too late
this growth they call
the C word
the truth of which
they dare not speak.
Jason Bayliss
Wed 25th Sep 2019 08:57
Incredibly well written. We lost a few people to cancer now including my wife's mother in 2017. It's an awful things. This really touched me. Thank you.
J. x