The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

<Deleted User> (7790)

Mon 4th May 2009 20:22

The KaRma Sutra, though... wouldn't that be something? I like the book for box. Was it a box room you recall? What about the devil's picture book? And what is your fascination with evil? You make it sound (con)sumptuous. Just wondering.... Strange how a room from childhood ends up relocated in the mind. Still unsure about the lunging timelines/tenses. How did you manage to signal these in the original book? You didn't do an Orlando or a Wasp Factory? And how different is the idea in poetry? I'm fascinated by ideas that seem to flit from medium to medium, each time altered or undermined. And why did you use the word 'liken'? Excuse interrogation. Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.

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Chris Dawson

Wed 29th Apr 2009 10:41

No - I wasn't trying to say too purple! - maybe a tad mauve? a little lilac, perhaps? :-)
It's a bugbear of mine, I'm afraid, overuse of adjectives. English teachers everywhere constantly tell children to use lots of nice descriptive words, and the longer, more obscure, more fancified those words are - the more gold stars the children are given. I'm as guilty as the next man for using 96 words where 3 will do - I love the sound of my own voice! - but....
I think a story should be able to stand on its own, with adjectives giving colour and depth to it. The 'remove all adjectives, make it make sense, replace only those that provide colour and depth' exercise is a very useful one, and certainly helps 'tighten up' your prose. And god knows! - everybody's better off for having their prose tightened!

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Deborah Jordan Bailey

Tue 28th Apr 2009 20:10

Hello Gus,
thank you for your kind comments on Springtide, sorry for the delay in responding, life and stuff getting in the way, deb

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Tue 28th Apr 2009 00:35

Merci beaucoup Gus...
I struggled a bit with that line and my only problem is too many so's
(I use it a lot!) and ending the previous line with 'you' and then starting the next with 'you'
Je ne sais pas... I sort of like a bit of a jolt in the middle... I have revised others so who knows - I may end up doing so eventually with this as well...

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Sun 26th Apr 2009 22:28

Il y a du sens dans ce que vous dites...
plutôt dit: Est-ce que c'est pour le mieux ou le pire?

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Sat 25th Apr 2009 02:58

Je vous corrige un peu...

'Oh oui, ma Francine chérie,
Vous finissez par me connaître meilleur.' (mieux)

'Est-ce que ce pour le plus mauvais j'est de la merveille ?' Je suis désolée, mais je ne comprends pas du tout ce que vous voulez dire...

p.s. I liked the first picture much better as it was more mysterious and showed the tower... ; )

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Wed 22nd Apr 2009 10:31

Merci Gus...
Hahaha... vous me faites toujours rire.
Le secret est de choisir une seule position ; )

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clarissa mckone

Tue 21st Apr 2009 04:12

HI Gus, thanks for your comment and yes and much more. I was in a major mind funk the night I wrote that poem. I had read so much, I was sick, and so tired of world games.Yeah you got it and its more then that, but boils down to that.The poem before that one is about the same thing, but more leaning on false world religions. Im christian, however not part of any one group, and Id never join up, not with what I know about them all. xx thanks for reading it, hope your ok.

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Chris Dawson

Fri 17th Apr 2009 12:13

Thanks for your comments on Requiem - always pleased when somebody even reads, even better if they like it.
Hope you're well?

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Fri 17th Apr 2009 10:52

Gus i can be so slow , i only just got the pickled onion joke :))))

and now its getting more and more tempting to use it :)

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Fri 17th Apr 2009 00:35

Oh my! I never knew! The things we learn...
Thanks for enlightening me Gus ; )

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Thu 16th Apr 2009 23:19

thanks Gus for your comments , fiddling with poem ,

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Sun 5th Apr 2009 23:46

Ooh la la... you may be right ; )

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<Deleted User> (5646)

Sat 4th Apr 2009 12:24

Hi Gus,
slams are like that.
I enjoyed it and i judged the Wigan one last year, it it's not an easy job because you just don't know what's coming next and the theme of each performer is so very different from the others, it creates a confusion because of the range of emotions projected.
Those who performed in the second half had a better chance to adapt to the audience responses from the first half. Personally, i'd only taken along the work i intended to perform. It went down a storm at Wigan, which reflects the mood of the evening really. I accept that and would still do it again.
I hope you will too. See you at Wigan on Thursday if you're going to be there. :-)

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Fri 27th Mar 2009 00:26

Ha ha... un flirt... moi?

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Wed 25th Mar 2009 01:38

Merci beaucoup pour vos mots gentils Gus...

J'espère que vous me permettez de vous corriger un peu votre français...

'Vous sont très aimables'... doit être:
Vous êtes très aimable.

Ce n'est pas grave...
de toute façon je vous ai compris ; )

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Anthony Emmerson

Mon 23rd Mar 2009 14:39

Hi Gus,
Thanks for your fulsome praise of "The Watercress Girl". Entirely undeserved really, it's just a piece of Victorian Gothic fantasy, but I hope entertaining. I, like others have mentioned, like your "lips" logos too! Your missing has a "Music Hall/Variety Theatre" quality to it - I can easily imagine some old time song and dance man tip-tapping his way through it with cane and straw hat, complete with suggestive winks and gestures! Max Miller etc . . . now there's an idea for your next performance . . . ;-)

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Deborah Jordan Bailey

Sun 22nd Mar 2009 21:07

Hello Gus, thank you for your comments on my Sky Iron in this new equinox. I hope your Spring thus far is sunny and blossoming. Deb x

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darren thomas

Mon 16th Mar 2009 14:12

Hi Gus

Thanks, as always, for your comments on 'Coast...'
I was written last year in Newquay but it's been tweaked a little since then. As we all have I s'pose?

Yes, I have many faces.

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Deborah Jordan Bailey

Sat 14th Mar 2009 11:35

Good morning Gus, thank you for your kind comments, as always, much appreciated, Deb x

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Deborah Jordan Bailey

Tue 10th Mar 2009 22:29

Hello Gus, thank you for your kind comments on my poem. It was good to see you perform your King Tut in person last week and to have a giggle, normally it's the other members of my Jordan clan who giggle at fartyness, it must have become infectious, oh dear. : ) Deb

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Mon 9th Mar 2009 16:28

Hi Gus,

thanks again for taking the time to read and make a considered comment on my work


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sian howell

Thu 5th Mar 2009 13:13

Hi gus thanks again Sian x

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sian howell

Wed 4th Mar 2009 20:01

Hi Gus i mistakening deleted your last comment re my Beware the fault. i wondered if you could re list it as I enjoyed reading it . by the way the poem does not in anyway indicate my true feelings about men....or does it? Sian X

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Mia Darlone

Mon 2nd Mar 2009 15:19

It's great! As you know I love toilet humour. Yes, there will definately be some severe liver abusing on 19th - glad you can make it, get your ticket now as I'm on a mission to sell out!

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<Deleted User> (5763)

Tue 24th Feb 2009 08:58

Thanks Gus,
Have you any suggestions as to a final solution -start a war in the Balkans perhaps-big drugs problem on our streets coming from there -good excuse, like Afghanistan !

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Chris Dawson

Tue 24th Feb 2009 01:19

Hi Gus,
Thanks for your comments on 'Initial Name', much appreciated. Have left a bit more on the comments page of the poem.
I've never met a Gus, but my great-grandfather was Alfred Augustus - he stepped on a mine in 1917 in Ypres.

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<Deleted User> (5812)

Mon 23rd Feb 2009 22:34

Hi Gus, thank you for your input and suggestions for playstation- they're greatly appreciated. x

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<Deleted User> (5886)

Mon 23rd Feb 2009 21:07

Hello, many thanks for the comment, always useful to have a different perspective and yes, that line does sound alot flows well, so thank you very much! :)

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Pete Crompton

Mon 23rd Feb 2009 00:04

would like to help you co-host your new night Gus.
Love your profile pics, have you a list of them? I would like them as wall art, if you saw my house you would understand why.

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sian howell

Mon 16th Feb 2009 11:57

I am based in the South West, I don't perform anymore, I used to work as one half of a juggling duo and sang too. I have thought recently that it would good to try 'something' again in the performance field...however, whether I will feel confident enough to do this is quite another matter. I did discover recently that there is a regular poetry evening at our local. I have been toying with the idea of just going to 'see' what it's like.
Sian X

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sian howell

Sun 15th Feb 2009 12:33

"Where do we go from here?" just read this- you have such a great mastery over 'turn of phrase', a very natural flowing way with words, you just don't seem at all frightened of 'letting go' so to speak and your piece was an enjoyable read.
Sian X

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<Deleted User> (5763)

Thu 12th Feb 2009 16:28

thanks Gus, I posted 2 comments to myself last night instead of you, a wee bit tipsy hic again!

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Fri 6th Feb 2009 18:55

Hi Gus

Glad you like Davids Wish. I wrote it for my little nephew after his dad (a climber/skier etc) died suddenly and didnt get the chance to say goodbye...

Best wishes
Maggie x

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Thu 5th Feb 2009 20:06

Hi Gus
Being new to the site i hope you didnt mind my comments about The Sun, the Moon and the Stars. Its so refreshing to come on this site and see such original work.

Take Care

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Deborah Jordan Bailey

Thu 5th Feb 2009 15:46

Hello Gus, thank you for your comments, I'm happy you could see what I see, I also like to find myself lost once in a while. I very much enjoyed becoming lost in your Sun, Moon and Stars, Deb.

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Chris Dawson

Thu 29th Jan 2009 23:17

Hi there,
Thanks for your comments on SNAFU. To me, it felt angry - perhaps it's all in the eyes? :-) I'll work on sounding angrier!
It really is appreciated when you, and others, take the time to read & give feedback. I was verynervous about posting that soundfile - I recorded it at least a dozen times, trying to get it right; in the end I thought, post ithis now! - because I knew I was getting to the stage where I'd think oh I'll leave it for today, and so it would go on.
Anyway - nice to hear from you.

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Belinda Johnston

Tue 27th Jan 2009 11:27

Hi Gus,

Thank you for your comments about my poem. I feel that I'm beginning to find my voice in my poetry, and it's awesome :)

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Chris Dawson

Sat 24th Jan 2009 22:01

Like the new picture.

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Anthony Emmerson

Sun 18th Jan 2009 11:05

Hi Gus.
Thanks for taking a peek at "...not the only fruit." It's a very clumsy tongue-twister, but was great fun to construct. I guess writing something with that volume of rhymes is more akin to a crossword than poetry.
I really enjoyed the simple beauty of images in your "Yellow Dress" btw. Or was it beautiful simplicity? Probably both!

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Chris Dawson

Thu 15th Jan 2009 17:09

Very different - your new photo - has sort of left me at a loss for words - which is unusual.

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Chris Dawson

Wed 14th Jan 2009 10:37

Glad you approve - but Dear Jonny is, in fact, darling Larry.....:)

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Chris Dawson

Wed 14th Jan 2009 01:06

Please see latest blog - any more to your taste?

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Chris Dawson

Tue 13th Jan 2009 23:19

You're absolutely right - and I'm working on it... really I am! I am getting there. And should you ever meet me I don't think you'd find me maudlin at all, I'm writing that out. Though I didn't think One Touch of Nature was maudlin - I wrote it as a thank-you. And look where it got me when I started writing about shaving pu.....cats!
I do appreciate your comments and criticisms, and thank-you for reading them.

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Belinda Johnston

Mon 12th Jan 2009 04:19

Hi Gus, Thank you for your encouraging comments about my poem, I agree, I think I've turned a corner with my poetry. Belinda x

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Pete Crompton

Sat 10th Jan 2009 00:27

Hi Gus
I will always co host if you need help with that

I am a fan of 'where do we go from here'
great poem mate

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Chris Dawson

Wed 7th Jan 2009 00:50

What are you insinuating sir?

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Chris Dawson

Tue 6th Jan 2009 11:22

Are you suggesting I have little imagination? - it's one recording - you might sound like Terry Thomas in real life! and anyway I like my Dylan's! and furthermore what in hell's name are you complaining about? .... you've never even remarked upon, let alone complimented my voice!

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Chris Dawson

Mon 5th Jan 2009 11:17

Love the killer heels by the way. How do you walk in them? - I can't .... I always look as if I've lost my horse.

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Chris Dawson

Fri 2nd Jan 2009 23:30

Tried to 'chat' again, but couldn't make it work - story of my life.

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