The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Rachel Bond

Wed 11th Apr 2012 00:04

women like stars...i am not outshone by any son of man and usually the company of women makes me dull, but right enough the ones i like make a fiery constellation...15th december me too, coincidention! xxx

Comment is about Amy McCawley (poet profile)

Original item by Amy McCawley

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Neil Fawcett

Thu 21st Jul 2011 11:01

Women Like Stars- gorgeous poem. Like it all, but especially the last line-brilliant!

Comment is about Amy McCawley (poet profile)

Original item by Amy McCawley

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Laura Taylor

Thu 21st Jul 2011 10:50

Hola my dear - many thanks for your comment on Crucifixion. I was brought up an atheist, but might have mentioned to you that I've been reading the bible over the last year or so, and it's really hit me hard. Had sooo many ideas from and about it, and organised religion in general. Been a great source for material have to say!

So! when you doing your first open mic then? ;p

Comment is about Amy McCawley (poet profile)

Original item by Amy McCawley

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Ray Miller

Wed 20th Jul 2011 21:45

Amy Houston, you've said some very kind things, thank you very much. I'm really not a fantastic poet - I write the occasional good one like The Care Pathway, but I also write a lot of dross. But I do try to turn the dross into gold - I am persistent!

Comment is about Amy McCawley (poet profile)

Original item by Amy McCawley

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Laura Taylor

Mon 11th Jul 2011 10:37

Hey hey Amyyyyy - soz for late reply, been on me jollydays doing as much f*ck all as poss hehe ;D

Ta for comment on Write for Revolution - us Northern girls gotta stick together eh? See ya soon - don't suppose you're coming the WOL night at the Tudor in Wigan on Thursday are ya? xx

Comment is about Amy McCawley (poet profile)

Original item by Amy McCawley

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Andy N

Mon 4th Jul 2011 08:22

Hi Amy;

Thanks for the comment over 'Summer is Here'. After the last few days, would totally agree with you, but upon going into work this am - the grey clouds are back out - has summer ended? lol.

See you soon

Andy n x

Comment is about Amy McCawley (poet profile)

Original item by Amy McCawley

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Jeff Dawson

Mon 4th Jul 2011 01:06

Hi Amy, welcome to WOL and lovely meeting you tonight, hope to see you again soon. Just had a quick flick through your poems, great writing, will have a closer look when its not so late (not long back after gig).

Quality stuff tho, look forward to hearing them out loud! Anyway glad you enjoyed the gig and like what we do thanx Jeff ps, not sure what happened to the comment you put on my work!

Comment is about Amy McCawley (poet profile)

Original item by Amy McCawley

<Deleted User> (9423)

Wed 29th Jun 2011 20:43

Excellent femenistic poetry

Comment is about Amy McCawley (poet profile)

Original item by Amy McCawley

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Sun 26th Jun 2011 09:42

Thank you for your time and interaction on my poem. I am appreciative of your kind words. Cheers.

Comment is about Amy McCawley (poet profile)

Original item by Amy McCawley

Dave Viney

Thu 23rd Jun 2011 23:44

Thanks for the good comment Amy - glad you like 'Hobson's Choice Words' - it probably stopped me killing my neighbour and it usually goes down well when I perform it...'Born to Greatness' has a great energy to it...make sure you use those bus journeys for material - I used to get a bus and a train to work and taking mental notes on the conversations and people's mannerisms made it less of a chore

All the best


Comment is about Amy McCawley (poet profile)

Original item by Amy McCawley

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Shirley Smothers

Tue 21st Jun 2011 21:08

Thank you for your kind comment, on my poem "MY Mother's Gentle Hands." I have added an audio version of this poem. I am horrible with computers, my husband had to convert this audio from WMA into mp3 format.

I especially like your poem "Women Like Stars".
I like poetry that shows the bond and strength of women.

Shirley Smothers

Comment is about Amy McCawley (poet profile)

Original item by Amy McCawley

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Ann Foxglove

Tue 21st Jun 2011 18:16

Hi Amy - welcome to WOL. I like your poem (the title is great) - Women Like Stars. Hope you enjoy WOL.

Comment is about Amy McCawley (poet profile)

Original item by Amy McCawley

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