Thanks so much xxx?
Comment is about Sarah Louise mcnee (poet profile)
Original item by Sarah Louise mcnee
Thankyou to everyone who takes time to read my words
Poetry is sacred
Blessed be all who finds me xxx❤
Comment is about Sarah Louise mcnee (poet profile)
Original item by Sarah Louise mcnee
'The sky can't be blue enough' and 'The power of giving' are both very profound poems. The first brought me to a stillness with you, and the second took me from stillness with you. Thanks for sharing them and I look forward to reading more of what you write.
Comment is about Sarah Louise mcnee (poet profile)
Original item by Sarah Louise mcnee
Thu 22nd Aug 2019 00:11
thank for your one word response
now I have more time
for writing poetry.
Comment is about Sarah Louise mcnee (poet profile)
Original item by Sarah Louise mcnee
I read your [profile. very interesting.i am on face book as hasmukh mehta . i wrote abt 22000 poems on as hasmukh amathalal
Comment is about Sarah Louise mcnee (poet profile)
Original item by Sarah Louise mcnee
Sun 23rd Jun 2019 11:46
thanks for reading my poem
"when everything made sense"
I hope the poem MADE SENSE.
I am not psychic, I'm Polish.
Comment is about Sarah Louise mcnee (poet profile)
Original item by Sarah Louise mcnee
Hi Sarah,
I've just seen your message
"have you ever thought of turning this into a children's book?
it would be wonderful to read with illustrations x Comment is about Wayne McLellan (poet profile)"
I'm still getting the hang of the WOL website- but I think it was in relation to my "Turkey in sheep's clothing" poem. I wouldn't know how to get started with an illustrated book . However I'm attempting to set up a Youtube channel and record my voiceover with pictures etc. Early days but hopefully I'll get there soon. Thanks for taking the time to comment on my profile x
Comment is about Sarah Louise mcnee (poet profile)
Original item by Sarah Louise mcnee
<Deleted User> (17847)
Sat 30th Mar 2019 21:15
Hi Sarah.Just want to thank you for the recent 'invite' but I'm in the middle of doing my flat up so I'll probably catch up with you very soon. Love your writing!
Thank's again
Comment is about Sarah Louise mcnee (poet profile)
Original item by Sarah Louise mcnee
Stephen Atkinson
Fri 23rd Sep 2022 21:39
Thank you Sarah for commenting on 'Our Lily' Always appreciated. Keep writing, keep being amazing yourself 🌈
Comment is about Sarah Louise mcnee (poet profile)
Original item by Sarah Louise mcnee