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coins in the fountain

coins in the fountain


when you tossed coins into the fountain

did you make a wish that might come true

or only a wish that you can wish for


they say the grass is greener

on the other side of the mountain


but they also say she will come

riding six white horses

when she comes


is either true

or are these only things others have wished for



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Lost Love

To hold you in my arms one last time

To feel your touch even though I knew you weren’t really mine

To feel your lips touch mine and again feel your love 

Hoping, dreaming, wishing I could bring you back 

Hoping, dreaming, wishing to fix this shattered heart

But a touch, a kiss, my love wasn’t enough 

You’re not coming back 

You’ve chosen 

And it’s clear now

Your love is ...

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Lovegodbrokenhealinghopedreamswishesbroken dreams

Christmas Wishes 2020

My wish this Christmas 

is faith replaces fear.


Loneliness gives way 

to cheer. 



trumps despair. 


Children play

in open air.


Loss is not in vain.


Love spreads faster 

than a pandemic train.


Wishes multiple. 


Glimpses of paradise 

in every day life, 

remind us why 

we are alive. 


# # #

What’s your ...

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Beautiful Dreams

I wish for a soulful voice,

a proud father,

reconciled love. 

In absence of these things, 

I do not despair, 

because I have the music,

that makes my unfulfilled wishes,

beautiful dreams.

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I wish I could tell you how much I miss you but there is no point in that.

I wish that things could be different but I know that they will not.

And I wish I could stop loving you but my heart is so torn and yet so full of love.

I wish I could turn back time and make you be mine.

But these are all wishes that God hears but doesn’t act on.

And everyday it’s a battle to keep moving on ...

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troubled heartGodlovewishesdreams

Wish I Could

What would I wish for, if given the chance?
For a start, I'd wish I could dance
Wish I could learn without having to repeat
Wish I could earn my depression's defeat
Wish I could do all the things I want to do
Wish I could prove the love I have for you
Wish I could act on all these wishes
Wish I didn't have to do the dishes
Wish I could be the person you need
Wish I could resist the sin of...

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Wildflower Wishes

Bury me in a blanket of wildflowers,

nutured by morning dew,


where lilacs perfume the air,

jasmine lights up the night,

wind and rain serenade gardenias,

delicate roses are protected by bushy thorns,

forget-me-nots bloom...


where dandelion wishes

brings me back to you.

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Solar return

instances of mesmerizing glimpses vivify and lend clarity into an understanding of soul.

evocation leaves an everlasting mark as two twin flames embark from a space of divine love to create fate

meticulous minds pick a place and time, upon your arrival show a sign that's vital, gravity pulls us in for a kiss as our hearts meet.

my greatest wishes grant admission, a star is born and with t...

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astrologybirthdaycelebrationexpansivefemininityfeminismlightlovepeacepoempoemspoetrysolar returnsoulspiritspiritualitysun signwisheszodiac

My Wishes

I wish I could have no troubling thoughts or considerations,

And that I felt only pleasing sensations.

I wish I could have more self-esteem.

And that I could live the loveliest dream.

I wish that in strife I could stay strong,

And that I could right every wrong.

I wish all problems I could correct

And all things in life would be perfect.

Sometimes I wish I could depart this...

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Stuart VannerWishesHopes

A Wish List

Sometimes I remember those old days,

Days of neglect and the novel ways….

Stood in line and waited in frays,

Dimmed, damned but didn’t let go the craze,

Although today I have come of age,

But somewhere inside the youth still plays.


The bandwidth was limited then,

It’s only today I’ve come across the Zen…

My brain wouldn’t process the hymn,

The heart would only beat ...

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the girl with the curves wishes she was thinner

the girl with narrow hips wishes her breasts were bigger


the girl with the acne wishes her skin was clear

the girl with clear skin wishes her freckles would disappear 


the girl with intelligence wishes she was pretty

the girl with beauty wishes classes were easy


the girl with straight hair wishes it was curly

the g...

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Missing you by Aryana Issa 

Missing you by Aryana Issa 


Here I am in the middle of school

Sitting on a type of box, watching cars pass by through the fence

Surrounded by silence and people

Wishing my aunt could be here

She could travel six thousand miles in seconds

If she were here we could be reading, calling each other names,

She could be playing the ukulele, I could be singing or even listen...

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Never have I  not ponder over you, but seeing you every day is like fresh air. Never have I seen the innermost part of that deep sea that you always carry but I have hope.

Never have I not wished for us but fate is like a game between two players seeking a goal. Every day I feel these monsters with me but my thoughts keeps searching for a new light.

Never have you wished for me, nor heard wh...

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My wishes

I want to live, I want to love,

I want to value someone,

I want to be just brave enough

to tell how much I love you.

I want to value all my friends,

to give them love and joy,

I want to visit merry lands

where no one is annoyed.

I want to live, I want to fly,

in all to be the best,

and may be one day go as high

as to the a...

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Sixteen Wishes

  I wished I wasn’t so sensitive.

I wished the raised hands of my dad 
couldn’t smack tears into my eyes

I wished to vanish behind the black 
curtains of my shut eyes

I wished I didn’t mind that my white mum 
visited my school wearing African robes

I wished I didn’t believe in ghosts
so I could keep my stain in those shadows

I wished my home wasn’t broken

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Wishessixteenyoungsterlist poemcoupletsRaymond Antrobus

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