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memories from past (Remove filter)

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If our grandparents left their house, 
we'd miss the Autumn evening drive
to there after school on Fridays,
down the road where people rarely
discover their way to the village with
thirty-five locals, still quite hidden & remote.

We'd miss the night's clouds on
silent stained glass of the village
Church as it greets us just before 
the flare of trees & village green
is still distinguis...

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familyhomememories from past

: In Solitude :

From the subconscious mind,

Came a memory lost behind.

It reminded me of, gently then,

A music pure and fresh as rain.


I felt the tunes play in my soul.

The familiar melody to enthrall.

So long lost in the layers of time,

Heard it again - just as pristine!


Then back it went to nethermind.

A caressing whisper it left behind.

I felt it then - with some surpris...

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PoetryMemoryRememberingMemories from pastCouplet

The Girl (She Used to be...) - Agonizing Words

When we first Met…

It felt like the same magnetic poles repelling each other....

I wanted to know her, But I was afraid.

Never felt that before, moments with her were special...

Then our Conversation began,

It all started with an argument though.

We were understanding each other,

But our thoughts were way different.


With each passing day,

A Connection was developed.


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memories from pastlovelifeloveYoung Love

My memory

Even though he might seem
Cold and bitter but still glee
Will take him over that very moment
He thinks of days he spent with me 
Even though his heart might seem numb
But a broken smile is sure to come
The moment you will mention me
Will ignite the rumination spree
Even though he might appear  
Under the spell of swaying breeze
Still somewhere in his eyes you might see 
Memories of us t...

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memories from past

Old Skool


Old Skool

We went to your old school,

in an area where crime is rife and drug dealers think they rule the streets.

What do you think when you see your old school?

Are your memories good or bad?

Were you bullied like me? Or have lots of friends?

Do you want to go back in time and spend a day in your school,

in your favourite lesson?

If so, what lesson?


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old skool timesmemories from pastteen years

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