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Fathers day (Remove filter)

Father's Day

Greetings cards with wine or wellies

Gardening, golf and air guitars

Flawless lawns, beer bellies

For this is what you are


You’re slower, balder, fuller faced

Your jokes fall flat and stale

That bike you bought, still in its place

Another mid-life fail


The Lycra was more than a stretch

You ’re living in the past

Running uphill makes you retch 

And your tr...

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His Last Journey - An Ode To My Father

जिस मिट्टी में जन्मा था तू 

उस मिट्टी से मिलाने लाया हूँ 

जिस गाँव से बनी हस्ती तेरी 

वो गाँव दिखाने लाया हूँ 


जिस गर्मी से तप तू कठोर हुआ  

वो सूरज दिखाने लाया हूँ 

जिस नरमी से तू मृदभोर हुआ 

उस चाँद से मिलाने लाया हूँ 


सोता था जिस ओस की चादर ओढ़

वो आसमान दिखाने लाया हूँ 

हर बातें जिसकी देती थी तुझे झँझोड़ 

उस काका से फिर मिलने लाया हूँ


जी भर के ...

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Fathers dayMiss you Dad

Mischievous Pedant

I wanted to wish him happy Fathers Day

But according to pedantic Facebook chatter

I’m not allowed to do that any more

Because hashtag ‘All Parents Matter’

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napowrimo2017day21(82)fathers dayall parents matterBLM analogypedantic

Happy Fathers Day

To all the Dads, Grandads and Husbands,

Happy Fathers Day to you.

Today is the day we show our appreciation

for everything you do.


Gifts, cards and messages of thanks,

will be sent across the nation.

Gather together if you can, if not,

maybe a virtual celebration.


A difficult day for those whose

loved ones are no longer here.

Reminiscing on happy memories


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Fathers day

Daddy's Girl

As she looks upon the man
Her eyes give her away
And you can see the truth
Of her heart and soul
She loves him, her father
Complete love, innocence
So beautiful and magical
With eyes as bright as the moon
A smile that shines like the sun
Their bond is unbreakable
For her love knows no limits
She will forever be his daughter
Her hero he will be

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familyFathers daylove

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