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living with addiction (Remove filter)

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My ills

It's 10.30 in the morning and I'm throwing up on the bathroom floor
Having drowned the person who I was before
All the drinking, drugging, lying, spending
Arriving very early for the doom impending

How did I get here, how did I lose control?
Waking up in fear and pain, drawing my first shot at 4
To stop the shakes and silence the anxiety
Once again becoming a liability in my society


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living with addictionpain


Last week as I sat in a hotel room putting a drug in a cup and pouring water upon it I asked myself who have I become? And now 7 days later I stand in a park serving those less fortunate as I and I ask myself the same question... Who have I become? No longer high and in my right mind I still don't think I can fully answer my own question... Maybe one day I may actually know the person who lives in...

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living with addictionrecovery


Desperation drives me to distraction.
How I crave the sweet embrace
that caresses me to sleep.
My wonderland, my sweet utopia,
lost at sea and out of reach.

Misery arrives as happiness abandons
and my frustrations get the better.

I subside, slip away,
fall back into myself,
alleviate the ache.

For nobody,
can save me from the pain
inside my brain,
my morbid hate,

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living with addiction

the destruction of small ideas


we three sit in syzygy

picking faults

parsing each sentence

you, the celestial centre

serene when seen from space

but roiling and folding on the surface

violent and beautiful

under heavy layers of make up

mascara landslides and fuck me red lips

me, the interloper

a mere satellite to your turbulent beauty

hoping your gravitational pull

will hook me in


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living with addictioncelestial whisky blues

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