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The Blatherwight

Hyyre n proave

pon sheed unjoad

in hoye ‘n hoyle-howls

befuddled word, o’blite absurd

he gurgled remott’d vowels


Lesp he ‘n shyy

for ryle deride

aggrinn aggurny byy

rillig speech, from creatured-eeb

flowed his otherworldly vibe


So jue a norn

to borrishly

this being spoke in tongue

but wopeth no apology

for such unbridled shrung


It siff ! ...

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nonsensefearfantasyhorrorscarywordswordplaylight verse

A Valentine for our time

A bit of light wordplay written pre Trump's eviction to lighten my mood whilst watching what seemed to be a love race to failure between leaders.




Two households, both alack in dignity,

(In fair Corona, where we lay our scene),

Where ancient men come under new scrutiny,

And touching handles leaves civil hands unclean,


From forth the fatal grip of this new f...

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My Point is Circular

My mouth took some months to bloom

My words took some weeks to flower

You and I do not speak different languages

We possess different meanings


“What is the curl of your tongue?

What is the grind of your teeth?

What is the bow in your brows?

What do you mean?”


Your bottom line is neat and fine

Your ballpoint pen bullet-proof



My point is a r...

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accusecyclejusticelosing my mindpredatorpressureramblingrape culturerecoverystatementtruthvictim blamingwordplay



“babe, here’s something i just wrote—i think you might like it! it goes like this:


‘the truthful glance you cast upon me felt like concrete poured into a casket
.it crushed me.
crushed me into a pulverized valentine’s card,
you know, the ones with sweet nothings smothered on a canvas donning a bleeding heart;
but this valentine’s card dared to push through to the other side of...

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daydreamsinfatuationstructured formwordplay

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