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4th of july (Remove filter)


serving consecutive life sentences
three meals,
the confines of jail time
three strikes,
and they are never letting you get out
they throw the book at you
like a caged animal
preying, it lands on a page that says
a message from god
sins written on — listed off, and then
sent across the hall to your distant friend again

a life of recycling license plates
crime pays for the chip...

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U.S.AUSA4th of julypoetpoempoetrypoemsnaturemetaphysicsspiritualgodfireworks

Mt. Washington Warzone

7 beers deep, sweating that good july sweat on a friends porch.


Redwood planks kissing the leather souls of my second hand kicks.


4 hours of fire works, illegall yet accepted pyro launched into the space between Mt washington and echo park.


We cooked these bombs up to show thanks and respect for those who gave their lives in order to make a home, a new country.


Fun ...

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America4th of july

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