The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

A day in the life of comp (Remove filter)

I Am the Chair A day in the life of comp


I am in Odessa on the main street

On a pedestal I overtop

A lot of people I meet and greet

Their asses on me they drop.


A chair made of bronze!

Have you ever heard of that?

The other chairs are pawns.

With them I ignore to chat.


Every day I’m admired,

Became a hero of the day

I’d love to say I’m never tired

And never wish to hit the ...

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A day in the life of comp





She’s gone now,

Gone to roam the avenues and backstreets

Of forgotten Manchester,

     Touting her wares

And looking hardwearing for all to see,

I can still smell her

Taste her and feel her,

But I’m left feeling cheap

And dry like the used ash tray

Before me,


     It’s there on the

Bedside cabinet,

And thinking of the a...

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A day in the life of comp

In The Frame

In The Frame


We met in an antique shop,

while you were sifting through

dusty memories

and tarnished gilt.

I was new and bright -

just what you needed in your life

at that time of regrets

and heartaches.


So we went home together

and you placed me on a pedestal.

The centre of a universe

that orbited your soul.

I put my arms


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a day in the life of compin the frame

A day in the life of... an old coat

I’m hanging here

to remind you

of the you

you once were

(of a fashion)

and a time

you once fitted

like a glove

as you flitted

here and there

happy in the thought

that you were

going somewhere.


Leopard print or leather

all the buttons that you never

sewed back on


in the linings of those pockets

amid the lipsticks ...

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A day in the life of comp

On Social Strata



Don’t look askance upon my lowly stature on the ladder.

Your great disdain even to shake my hand

Says more about your character than mine.


If your nose turned up any more, the rain would soak your brain – but -

No great damage there.

I think your little grey cells have crawled,

Like embryonic spiders,

Into your deep, slow-sucking crevasses of sel...

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A day in the life of comp

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