The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Boris (Remove filter)

The Lunatic has left The Asylum

After holding the country

In a straight jacket

Of lies, deceit  and

Despicable behavior


The Lunatic has left

               The asylum



Trashing the country

Smashing up democracy

Popping corks when people died


The Lunatic has left

                The asylum


But the rats will enter again , from the side door







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BorisBoris Johnson

The slow tissue paper of lies

Inflation is going down

Though you know it’s rising sky high


He gets to the dispatch box

And says 2+2 are 5

“No, it’s 6” scream the backbenchers

“It’s 7” “No it’s 9”


The thin burning tissue paper

Of lies


Corruption is a badge of honour

The truth is a lie

Just sit back and watch

The country burning from the inside


The thick corrosive wound fes...

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Boris JohnsonBoris

Gavin, or Frank?

Gavin or Frank

Another U turn from Boris?

Seven years ago this month,

Got into trouble by saying,

“Some people are just too stupid to get on in life.”

“Equality is impossible!”


Clearly stung by his critics claim,

Boris is biased.

Boris has since,

Assembles his Cabinet with care,

Assembles his Cabinet with more,

Short planks than,

Decking Solutions from,


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BorisFrankGavinpolitical satire

The Farce of the Fright Brigade

Apologies to Alf



Half a brain, half a brain,

Half a brain forward,

All in the vale of Despair

Groped the six hundred.

“Somewhere the Fright Brigade!

Run for the hills!” he said.

Into the vale of Despair

Groped the six hundred.


“Fumble, the Fright Brigade!”

Was there a plan arrayed?

Not that the Members knew

Someone had blundered.

Theirs not ...

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BrexitBorisBoJoJezzaSwinsonAlfredTennysonLight Brigade

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