Cat comp (Remove filter)
Cat Competition Result
The Cat Competition result is as follows
1. Nick Clifton 'Cute and Slim'
2, Greg Freeman 'The Cat, the Damselflies and the Deer'
Congratulations to Nick and Greg, worthy winners, who can now nominate charities to receive £10 and £5 resp...
Friday 15th February 2013 8:20 am
Cat Competition Voting
The Cat Competition deadline was extended to the 9th and there are now 6 entries. In the past people have said it's difficult to look through over 20 poems. No excuses now – 6 is easy!
If you would like to vote, this is how it works
There are two votes per WOL member numbered 1 and 2, for your first and second choice. Don't vote for yourself. Votes to b...
Sunday 10th February 2013 8:00 am
My sister lost her husband not long ago
A time of grief and tears
But time can help the mind prepare
For the lonely ensuing years.
And her life has had other companions
Of an origin Siamese
Who seem to spend their purring lives
Trying their best to please.
As if they know their place is now
To comfort and console
To provide some ongoing love beyond
...Friday 1st February 2013 5:34 pm
Cat Competition Extended Deadline
A couple of WOL's hardiest veterans have spotted that the competition has attracted just 4 entries and have said strongly that the deadline should be extended (you know who you are and thanks for the interest!)
Therefore, to celebrate a cat's amazing possession of 9 lives, the deadline will be extended to 9th Feb (a Saturday). As well as the original themes, the poem may also be about or co...
Thursday 31st January 2013 11:17 pm
The cat, the damselflies, and the deer
That Google thrill;
seeing your name overtake
drain clearers, garage owners,
estate agents, even playwrights.
Habit had to be fed,
became second nature.
Alarmingly easy. Just change
a location, you’re on to a winner.
Imitation built a growing
reputation; flattery,
offers to publish
a first collection. That
MA in creative writing.
Monday 28th January 2013 9:13 am
Cat. Prize competition last few days
In the past, competitions of this kind have attracted over 20 entries but it looks like either times have changed or the topic isn't sufficiently inspiring. Anyway, on the off-chance there is a late rush, here is the original post again -
Many of us have enjoyed the informal competitions which have run on WOL from time to time. There may be some interest in trying again, so her...
Saturday 26th January 2013 11:07 pm
The Last Kiss
The Last Kiss
The early morning tangle on the pillow
where she slept.
Her fingers softly curling round a treasure
which she kept
Enmeshed within this living cage, lest it
should fly away
And leave her only memories of such
a perfect day.
The palest hint of colour tinged her cheeks
like sunrise now.
Dark lashes fringed her eyelids – slende...
Sunday 6th January 2013 11:13 pm
Cat. Prize competition
Many of us have enjoyed the informal competitions which have run on WOL from time to time. There may be some interest in trying again, so here goes.
The theme is either "Cat out of the bag" or "Cat among the pigeons". The poem, or poems, have to have something, however tenuous, to do with one of these themes.
It should be blogged in January. It would help if it was t...
Thursday 3rd January 2013 8:01 pm
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