The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

China (Remove filter)

United or Doomed!

This poem reflects the urgent and growing tensions Europe faces—internally divided and externally threatened. With rising dangers from Russia, China, and a shifting American stance, it paints a vivid picture of the consequences of inaction.

Europe, listen—time runs thin, The storm is howling, wars begin. Trump builds walls, his hunger grows, Grabs at lands where cold wind blows. Not jus...

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A Deal Among Devils

As the Trump-Musk regime steers the U.S. into the arms of dictators, Europe stands at a crossroads. This poem is an outcry against betrayal, against backroom deals that sell out Ukraine, against the glee of China as it eyes Taiwan, and against the creeping infection of authoritarianism within Europe's own borders. Curtis Yarvin’s sick vision—a world where democracy is crushed under the boo...

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EuropeUkraineTrumpMuskCurtis YarvinauthoritarianismdemocracyChinaRussiaNATOresistancedictatorship

Tank Man

Tank Man


Here is a tank

Rumbling across a vast expanse

A square


Here is a man

White shirt

Black trousers

A shopping bag in each hand


He steps before the tank

Raises his hand

Palm out



And the tank stops



The man alters his position


The man climbs onto the tank

Talks to those in the tank



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napowrimo2018day 9tank mantiananmen squarechinarebelhero

Chinese Village - 1960

Thin rags stuffed with straw we wore

in that terrible winter of 1960

Grass tying it around our bony bodies

Neighbours shuffled through the village

fell dead as dolls asleep  in the street

Doll-like remained unburied in the cold


Silence frozen on the careless air

The last ox eaten as it died

Fowls and ducks taken by The Party

no grain being left to pay the tax

No ...

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China Town

love made in hollywood might badly fall apart

dance around the fairy lamps down in china town

begging god for mercy but she's busy just right now...


just like when i need you tonight
beauty from the east will cool down all the lit up hearts
burn inside the church despite you suffered all your life
searching for the peace deep in caves but not your mind

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How many pilots died and old aircraft lost when they flew over jagged snowy peaks in the remotest corners of the world? Doing a dangerous job knowing the risks and trusting in fate and luck to bring the through. Some never made it, there planes impacting vertical mountain sides in sickening crashes. Bodies lost forever, frozen in the time of death. Icily cold and otherworldly ...

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Then… Airplane falling wreathed in fire, ruined

bonfire dragged down by gravity to a watery grave.

Broken machine resting on the seabed, silence

reigns in Deaths’ triumph.


Now… Test Pilot Feng Yi and five of his comrades flying

air tests on red China’s brand new J11 fighter.

Saw many old planes in formation, props and je...

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taiwan poems

Around and round we danced in an exotic Asian club to pounding alternative music. Who said they couldn’t party? Like it’s their, our, last night on earth. Little did we all know that this prophecy was true? One night if fun with a Taiwanese lady, only dancing you understand. They are not like western ladies. On and on we danced feeling alive, when we kissed it was like fire of t...

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