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DDay (Remove filter)

The Lost

A late one for DDay.


Do not cry for what you reap

‘Though I lie in eternal sleep

My life, I gave for the freedom of others

I rest in the arms of my fallen brothers 

Every unencumbered breath you take 

Is a life you did not forsake 

Remember us, remember me

Remember how you grew up free

We are foundations, we are the light

The ones who fought the darkest night


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Little Ted


Little Ted likes to bounce his ball 

on the beach

So did Billy

But he was killed just out of reach


Little Ted likes to watch the seagulls 

Swooping overhead 

But, Billy remembers them picking

At the dead


Little Ted likes to run into the dunes

To hide & play

Billy still hides from the machine gun’s

Deathly spray


But, little Ted doesn't like th...

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