The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

Election (Remove filter)


As poor as I am

I can still see the lies

Dripping down from posters

Larger than life

Each party vying for my eye line

Sides of the same dice


Hope, Fear

Progress,  Strength

Hate, Together


Each rolling towards me

Saying anything I like …


A tannoy blurts out

Some nonsensical nonsense

flags are waving in the air

and the dumb have becom...

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electionTurkish electionsU.S. ElectionUK electiongeneral election

Cry From Isolation — A Sonnet

By ACE8.6

I heard a baby cry today
while I was walking through the park.
The cry was not to get her way
It was strong, insistent, and dark
Was she too hot from the sun’s bright ray?
Was she afraid of the dog’s bark?
Was she demanding she be allowed to play
in the song of the Meadowlark?
This baby cried not for want
This baby cried to warn
And I became the confidant
Of this child wh...

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COVIDelectionisolationsocial distancechildren

The MAGA Hat is Dead

Hey you!
Yeah you with the MAGA hat
You’re like the filth of a rat
You’ve got the brain of a gnat

You pledge allegiance to a swine—
—that’s 45
You fall in line

I think you’ve been misled
by that inbred chucklehead

So let’s go overdrive
Swap that hat for a hive

I think you need some stings
I think you need to hurt

All the states that were swings are going to leave you in the ...

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the punch that never was

Laura’s snaffled an exclusive
freshly minted by the Tories
a left-wing thug has punched a bloke!
she tweets, ignores the story
about the PM and the photograph
the crisis in our NHS
kids on drips curled up on floors
the current government’s heartlessness
you see, a stolen phone is nothing
when you’ve a brand-new lie to share
about the punch that never happened
by a mob that wasn’t there

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When the KKK and the Kremlin

Are sharing their vodka and rye

When redneck mutherfuckers

are making Lady Liberty cry

When The land of the free is walled in

So pesky Mexicans can’t get by

That’s the day the rest of us

Watches America die.


When the Whitehouse houses a bigot

A misogynist ‘locker room’ fly

When a multi-billionaire

Stands for momma...

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democracydonald trumpelection

A White House or A Farce House ?

Awe inspired
While the whole world was
Expecting a
Brilliant lady
In a white-house
Drawing a blank
It witnessed a
Clown in a Farce
With the rob of Democracy
Takes stage Autocracy!

If spoken must
Be the truth
The revolting unfolding
Augurs ill to the youth,
The successors,
The task forces of
A given nation,
Who deserves
A better attention
To take the nation
To a n...

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Election USA

Conniving madness-
ever in the wings- 
has come centre stage 
strutting with a fringe
as a stick
with which to stir 
a pot of bile and fear
whose drips and spills
point towards
a new strategy:
and self harm
that hang about
on every corner
on every farm
as wild seeds
are privately sown
in a different time
and every home.


words and foto Tommy Carroll 


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A"Wicked woman'"From a Wicked Man

That "Wicked woman!"
Is a wicked utterance
From a wicked man
Clowning, who plan
To get every  possible
& oblivious voter a fan!

A wicked man
Revoltingly believes
Women are wicked
Oblivious he is
Out  to slaughter
His sister, mother
,wife and daughter !

What a trash
What a trash
A folly that leads
A great,  all-accommodating
And democracy-upholding Nation
To a lapse or a deadl...

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