The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

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Greek Myth (Remove filter)


Far too clever for his own good

Deceitful and quite crafty

He got up to stuff that no king should

In fact, he got plain nasty


Killing folk and cheating death

Is not proper or obedient 

Thus when it came to his last breath

Zeus couldn’t be less lenient


Forced to push a boulder up a hill

But never reach the top

Could make a chap feel queasy-ill

If not allow...

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Greek mythSisyphus

Blue Flare

~~Orphan phantom all alone
Within reach from dusk till dawn
Scuttling limbs of Arthropods
Play the harmonious earthly cords
Bitter velvet in water’s core
Chanting monks, four by four
Angelic screams jogs the storm
As hounding harps rabbits their form
Burning icebergs cremating ghoul
Ecstatic mermaids make love to fools
Travellers boat, companion Charon
Spring has lost to Persophone

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Greek MythMythologyunderworldgoddessghoulsfantasy realmsFantasyfantasy planetfiction

Child of Equinox

It speaks, says they
In a form of perish
She sleeps purely
to only start waving
to them and their
little deformed spirits
Come closer, hence –

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ghoulunderworldtrapped spirits dancingspiritsMythologyGreek Myth


Poison vapours

etched in gloom.

Ghastly, void,

vacant, the guardian of

a chained black gate.


Never sleeping;

eyes, as heads,


waiting for heroes

to seal their fate.


In legends torn

from clay cast bright

we may witness

fire and blades and bows;

such blood-fuelled spite.


Now all too real;

slowly shed,

the skin of time;


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2013Greek MythmonstersCorruptionTyrannypoliticians



Somewhere, the 9 till 5 office worker stops me with a deadpan stare,
Fixes me with the times of timetables passed, the graph paper squares
Of tomorrow’s schedule. The high-rise offices never bother to look down.

I never liked the city.

Never really cared
for the city’s callousness, its daily suicide,
the shadow at the top of each building that watches with certainty.


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poetrypoempoemsGreek Mythmedusacitydespair


Narcissus stared at the art work

before selecting a martial sleeve.

A fusion of Japanese gangster

and Polynesian tribal.


Hand function was straightforward.

Ranging from tea ceremony

to stone crusher,

crocodile wrestler

was the choice.


She thought her bank authorisation

into the machine

and dropped her old arm

in the recycling tray.


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vending machinetattoodeathGreek Myth

Pandora`s Legacy

Created by the Gods

Pandora left her mark

On the world, by  un-leasing
The terrors that befall
All of mankind.
Moulded from clay
Taught how to behave
In deceitful ways.
Then  sent to live on earth
With a box she was 
Forbidden to open.
She angered Zeus, 
When her curiosity aroused
She lifted the lid 
On his box of gifts,

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Greek MythPandora`s Box

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