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Humility (Remove filter)


I'm learning to see myself

through a heart-shaped mirror


In my art&poetry, as a means of authenticity

I often shun the cold hard facts

in favour of something more hot and relaxed


like the burning shame of defeat, a passion

so bright it defies all suffering


yet makes me glad to be alive






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What happens when you finally decide

to change what you’re doing and swallow your pride?

Is it like when the fog clears away

and you find where you stand?


Or is it more like the unveiling of art,

struck by what you see yet unsure in your heart,

because it is nothing at all

like what you had planned?


For with resolution comes new eyes to see,

and new understan...

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pridehumilityhumbleletting go of pride



Humanity's gone into hibernation

Our focus has shifted to survival

Coronavirus has a bright side

We've changed since its arrival


Mortal danger pushed us together

New-found solidarity is a boon

Survivors will emerge stronger

Dont self-pity or despair too soon


Love can prevail over evil

But humility must come into its own

The era of complacency is over


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Rekindle cake (plus video performance attached at bottom)


Rekindle cake 
You take a teaspoon of wisdom, add two ounces of brave.
Then you extract the past and the now try to save.
Six drops of humble mixed with fine compromise
And then stir in to taste, as you look in her eyes
One cup of loves flour, and two knobs…………… who love.
Then you ask for some help from the chefs up above.
A sprinkle of ...

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lovereal lovehumilitytryingcourageheartsoul materecipecake

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