Mothers Love (Remove filter)
The Beauty of Earth
The beauty you have is endless
Not satisfied watching you all days.
In all objects O mother, I feel you
As the grass takes a bath with dew,
When the birds are chirping on the tree
The darkness is dispelled and let them free,
When the petal expands the heart
In no time I draw the beautiful art,
The busy bees collecting honey
When spring arrives with a box of money,
In ...
Sunday 26th March 2023 3:03 am
Your coffee
Wednesday 25th August 2021 12:23 pm
Courage to Speak
I’ve finally plucked up the courage to speak,
to allow myself to stand up with the freaks
I’ve been sitting in my bedroom for too long
Waiting for the life i want to come along
Wondering if I am under control or lost
Thinking that I’d be better off dead, toast
Unsure how to be a mother to my child
As I’m always hankering for the WILD
I don’t mean just in terms of ...
Thursday 19th August 2021 8:03 pm
Mother in my Share!
I wish, I could take birth again
to hug my mom, want to become a child again.
She never speaks ill
only she doesn't get angry on me
She's alive and so nothing can bother me
whenever I step out, blessings accompany me
She'll hug tight if something happens
she always shelters her children
But someone got house, someone got shop
I was the youngest one in the house, I got MOM!
Tuesday 25th August 2020 2:44 pm
Child robbers
I wished you did not miss me because the though of that hurts to the core
I wished i did not ever have to feel the pain,
of you not missing me even more.
I think back to our times at home
your first memories of being so small in my arms
The hours i spent watching you dream
Wishing and hoping i could be the best mother i could be
for you to get the best life you deserve from me.
Tuesday 11th December 2018 2:12 pm
I know Amaa,
You taught me, how to love?
When you take care of me,
When I was a small child.
I know Amaa,
You taught me, how to make sacrifices?
When I ate and you don't
When there was no grain at home.
I know Amaa.
You taught me, how to read and write?
When you compels me every evening,
To write my name, when I ...
Thursday 16th August 2018 3:46 am
A Mother
a mother is a person who loves you
everyday her love starts anew
from the day she conceives till the day she dies
she laughs when u laughs and cries when you cry.
she can feel your pain
and she can walk miles in the rain
as if your pain was hers
even without the help of her peers.
she holds you tight to put you to sleep
especially when you weep
she hold you ...
Sunday 4th March 2018 8:08 am
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