The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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2020 Spring

Poetry, written by Ali Taha Alnobani


A metallic alien object with plastic gaze

Without emotions, and no feelings

It holds tapered forceps and a magnifying glass

It runs on the empty street

Like a spooky ghost

Like an absurd robot

His eyes are round, red

His nose is crunchy squared

And his voice is like air when it comes from the hole of a sick object


Now h...

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Corona virusDeath by Virusreal life storiesdream of freedomfreedom anywherefreedomspeakopendoors


we all go through very similar 

tough patches in our life. yet everyone around us thinks we have it better than them.

that our problems are not as serious as theirs.

that is where the problem starts. because we are scared to speak up. 

we think we will be judged. rather than listened to. or being related to.

we have to come together as a community. we must love. share kindness. shar...

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The Bird

The cage she’s in is paper thin,

She sits upon her perch and then

She cries, a chirp, a whistle, a hymn,

But no one hears the bird.


The world she’s in is waging war,

She cannot try to match the score.

And now, she screams out, “Nevermore”,

But no one hears the bird.


Flutter as she might, she fails,

Falls to the clutch of someone else.

And then she tries to r...

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If you close your eyes

to the world outside,

will the fighting suddenly cease?

Will brother and sister

hold hands together

and build a new life of peace?


Does a person, born blind,

not hear the teeth grind

as disaster, from greed, is grown?

That because he can’t see,

thinks we're are all living free

and reaping the seeds we have sown?


If you block...

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Poetry Comes From the Heart

Poetry comes from the heart and soul.

Whether it be serious or comic,

a short poem can speak volumes.

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