The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Scam (Remove filter)

Third Scam

Third Scam

A Top 5 publisher offered the writer a deal

He felt like he was cloud walking

Just for a few minutes till he found it

The part that said the writer had to pay

For his book to be published

This broke his set in stone rule


Not in a competition or publisher

He asked his top level pro contacts

They advised what he felt in his gut


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scamvanity presswriters beware!

PoLieTics - NaPoWriMo Day 2

We're all in this together,

we're here to represent you.

We will protect the NHS,

pensions, public services, free speech,

the right to protest, journalistic independence

and repair the economy.


But we must keep money

we NEED money.

Generators will not work without capital,

the magnetic pulse of the world will cease

and the crust shall become ...

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BastardsConservativesCutsEconomicsErosionFree SpeechHumanityInjusticeLiarsLibertyPoliticsProtestPut the N into CutsScamScammersScumTories

Blind Alley

Blind Alley (old poem)

The psychic grinned at me
as I slid her a twenty.
She slapped the cards down
and stared intently at them.
Her eyes raised
to meet mine,
and I knew the bullshit was coming.
Her mouth moved swiftly
just like her hands over the cards,
but all I heard
were my own thoughts.
She paused to let her words sink in,
but I thought about the pieces
that ...

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