Liars (Remove filter)
The Rumour Mill...
Listen to them talking their sharing inane nonsense overheard but not by intention
Spreading gossip, rumour and hearsay told as solid facts getting other’s attention
“Did you hear about Gemma? She’s brazenly seeing Guy behind Steve’s back!”
“Well I heard she’s pregnant, a friend of a friend told me it’s a totally true fact!”
And so it continues sharing stories of acquaintances and supp...
Friday 6th December 2024 5:32 pm
Just Say No!
It’s time to say NO!
It’s time to turn left,
To staunch the blood flow,
Of truth they’re bereft,
It’s time for the many,
To stand up to the few,
To liars ten-a-penny,
To red ties turned blue,
You’re a friend of apartheid
You’ve just lied to this nation,
You enabler of genocide,
And illegal occupation,
The targets weren’t civilian,
Your pants ar...
Saturday 5th October 2024 3:24 pm
Liar Liar,
Soul on fire
Burn thy little heart.
From your lies
the truth must rise
or you'll feel it rip apart.
Monday 17th February 2020 9:20 am
God's Question
Does a lie has feet or walk
Only liars have more than two
Don't listen to a lie as a joke
Then will help lies to grow
God will ask; why do you lie?
So get ready for God's punishment.
Me, you, them, surely will die
Should keep ready for last statement
Get back soon to the early pureness
And stop cheating creatures
Just in case you look for happiness
Be f...
Wednesday 27th February 2019 1:03 pm
Liar, liar, pants on fire!
Preamble: my contribution to this week's Rhymers' theme "fire".
Wouldn’t it be easier to recognise a liar
If caught telling porkies, their pants really caught fire?
As a warped form of justice, it would be rather fun
To see a guilty con man get singed around the bum.
The value of honesty would rapidly be learned
If every untruth told led to buttocks getting burned.
Saturday 24th November 2018 9:42 am
Beyond these indifferent walls
lies a second carapace,
pierced by small, green eyes
in a shimmering face.
It is not my own,
but lies are truths for actors;
they bandage wounds
when the liars rebel
while fleeing, open-mouthed,
from their savage selves.
Christopher Hubbard
Perth 2016
Wednesday 11th October 2017 1:02 am
Come the Revolution
Come the revolution
there’ll be bullet holes in the wall
and stains of brains that mattered
but didn't matter to us all
We’ll fly our flags
and burn the rich
and sing our songs
and burn the rich
and right their wrongs
and burn the rich
and take their wealth
and launder it
and to the poor
might give a bit
but they wont know
how much of it
Saturday 11th June 2016 5:50 pm
PoLieTics - NaPoWriMo Day 2
We're all in this together,
we're here to represent you.
We will protect the NHS,
pensions, public services, free speech,
the right to protest, journalistic independence
and repair the economy.
But we must keep money
we NEED money.
Generators will not work without capital,
the magnetic pulse of the world will cease
and the crust shall become ...
Tuesday 2nd April 2013 4:38 pm
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