The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 27 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Congratulations! You’ve downloaded me, The app that decides who you’re meant to be. No need to wonder, no need to stress— I’ll handle your choices. No need to guess. Decision fatigue? A thing of the past. I’ll pick your job, your lunch, and your last. Messages sent with the perfect tone, Replies pre-planned—no need to groan. And love? Relax, I’ve got your back. I’ll match, confirm, ...

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Oh darling yes you with the filters
To get His attention will take more than lip fillers

You claim to be helpful with your innocent approach
Systematic qualification hun and yes I see ghosts

And colours and auras oh all of that
But I look your direction..your soul is matt black

And I get it he sparkles but you must understand
We shine together with this Rock on my hand

Too bright f...

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A heart with a timeline of struggles 

A heart full of mostly your troubles 

A heart that once ...spoke out Shakespeare 

A heart so quick to take my dear

My heart shaped heart it dances to the sound of your music

Yours beats to the sound of your ego and looks just like a blue tick

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Egoblue ticksocialmediadisappointed

Technology can be a virus to society

Remember when thing's used to be good,

musical sounds, movies the taste of our food

remember when we had such fun playing outside 

fishing running dancing going for a bike ride

A time before machines had us all hooked

when you'd go out for a meal and talk to each other and looked

When your parents would spend time with you

not online pretending to 

When you would burn off ...

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