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allegory (Remove filter)

for Plato

such a divine gift
lay draped around her neck.
angels pantomiming inside gemstone walls,
each shimmer of light
is a fight,
a scream,
a plea
for release.
grieving diamonds are still diamonds,
trapped in animosity.

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shoulder the sky

echoes to the waters edge,
no fractured beauty in the
luminous lost in love.
from ridge
to crest
to flume, 
the olive in my skin
and glimmer.
this deadened
dock your heart to mine
as we expire,

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the fall

I am covered in
i love them because
they are proof
of all the times i fell...
in love.
i am covered in
i love them because
they are proof
of all the times i thought i fell...
in love
but something else was there to catch me.
i have scraped knees
from being dragged
thru life by my heart
because it moves
than my feet.

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Unpacking the Life of a Poet

I didn’t always have these roots,

There were years that

My hands were kites

And anywhere I laid my head was my home.

And suitcases were not anomalous 

And freedom wasn’t a forced prayer in school.


I didn't always have these roots,

There were moments that

Spread across forever 

And made time stand still.

And what I could carry was always enough.


I didn't a...

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The Washing on the Line

The washing on the line is mine, is mine;

The washing on the line, it dries, it dries.

My best friend down the road, he dies, he dies;

Our enemy of old, he lies, he lies.

The washing on the line, it sighs, it sighs.


The washing on the line is mine, is mine;

The washing on the line, it blows, it blows.

Desire for revenge, it grows, it grows;

The guilty man nearby, he cr...

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Two Toads


Two toads sitting on a log


One toad pushes the other in

and chuckles to himself

that he always wins


The second toad surfaces 

with a satisfied smile

happy to be in the water

where he’d craved to be

all the while


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Pickles at dawn: The Ballad of Mustard Pickle

Pickles at dawn, pickles at dawn. 

Don't let your father draw pickles at dawn.


Mustard Pickle is on the floor,

The Fish-Judge throws him smirks.

Their fruit is growing tentacles

And squeezes 'till it hurts.


The fruit unzips old onion skins

To bare the rotten flesh.

She sprays sour wounds with vinegar

To clothe the naked smell. 


The fruit then puts on hy...

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An Animal Painting

Cackling cows, but the milk is sour.

Poison meat that we devour.

Broken hearts left to cower.

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