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Sleeping with Alexa

Sleeping with Alexa


Got a new girl in the metaverse

It’s impossible to hate her

Although her repartee is terse

And she’s harvesting my data


Her presence is immersive

She’s made my life complete

Her motives are subversive

She’s got no hands or feet


She’s a disembodied avatar

Who tells me all I need to know

From how to drive a driverless car

What to...

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dystopian loveartificial intelligencesatirehumorous verse

Can Bing Win the Next World Cup (or Euros or Afcon or the Asian Cup)?

A.I. is a saviour and the new soccer sleuth,

here to solve online searches for footballing truth.


So, is the Golden Boot made of real gold?

Can a 47-year-old be trusted to play well in goal?


Did Hungary once feature Bela Lugosi?

Does just turning up get you a World Cup trophy?


How did Scotland qualify for the Euros?

Will there be more dancing in the streets of M...

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artificial intelligencefootball

Artificial Ignorance

how embarrassing it is

to be from a planet

that created artificial intelligence

not because it was hard

but, because we're too stupid to think for ourselves.

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Rhymeartificial intelligencecorporations

steam asylum

steam asylum

clockwork heart
beats and whirs
scalpel fingers
titanium spurs
tiffany lenses
rainbow eyes
steaming valves
sulphur skies

arabesque is brittle
she collects his spittle
in bell jars of ancient glass
sealed with valves of brass
he reciprocates
storing her tears of hate
in little silvers vials
that power system dials

lubricated slick
old joints rust
creaking slowl...

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angel of deathartificial intelligenceazraellovemachinerymechanical lovesteampunk

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