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Spanish Stillness


The world around me is how it used to be:

Fresh, alive, peaceful, welcoming.

Alone but not alone,

I’m part of this world again,

not fighting it

not worrying.

Not competing and being judged.

A modest meal awaits,

with good wine,

a shower

A bed.

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Blue Sheets

the tears are gone

her eyes are dry

dawn breaks unblinking in the sky


I've confessed all

my conscience clean

surprised she did not make a scene


all those women

the casual lies

yet no questions or fluttering whys


no hint of shock

her sheets are blue;

I told her what she already knew


she'd sucked it up

loved me so much

forgiven all just f...

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Demanding Women

I'm a believer in change

variety the spice of life

sex a classic example

my contortions are rife


dog-eared my manual

illustrations now faded

after years of practice

I'm still not too jaded


girls get the benefits

novelties they enjoy

nocturnal gymnastics

with an original boy


yet some do quibble

my antics not enough

not eager to trapeze

in ...

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sex manuallovebedstale

Bedroom Gothic

Things had stalled then tapered off

For Bill and Gwen had reached the stage

Where sex is what other people do

When love has turned its final page


Salad days gone and keen to downsize

They found a bungalow, cheap they said,

It had leaky flashing and woodworm

Above all, a full-length gilt mirror over the bed


That first night under a wrinkled reflection

As the pai...

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bedroom gothicsexlovemirrorbedwoodwormshardcastrated


Love's remembrances can be painful

Lurking like snakes in your head

I find memories of our finest hour

Amid itchy reminders in our bed


The crumbs in my bed remind me of you

The way you brushed your hair for hours

How you sat on the duvet nibbling cinammon toast

Or sniffing posies of hothouse flowers


I still can't work out why you left me

The truth is I'm more t...

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crumbsbedfull loafcake

I hope the "sleep" function is working

You have fallen asleep with the radio on.


Electromagnetic waves push inanities

into air that should at this time be only for breathing.


I lie and wait for the dull click

that will bring silence billowing down

onto your slumber and my wakefulness


knowing that the same sound, too soon

will tear me from the sleep

I should have accepted I needed

much earlier.


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Passion & Pleasure

Feather Bed


Softness envelopes you like a warm cloud

Sensuous touch brings us closer than skin

Time stops for almost endless moments as

We fly higher than the moon in the morning.


We are always good together methinks and

"Nothing can do us any harm"- like that song

We made out to from the White Album many

Years ago when you were just as beautiful

As you are tod...

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Once-upon-a-time, a barman worshipped the Sun.

Worked nights so didn’t see much of it

but in his head he’d got stories of

the Fire God supreme,

Blaze Lord,

vanquishing monsters who'd eat out your dreams.


He called the Sun ‘Hero’,

believed it had six pairs of arms,

giant wings of flame

and the handsomest nose in the galaxy.

Made moons blush

and g...

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