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I am at a loss to write

There are times I sit with pen in hand,
staring into the blank heart of the unmarked page,
as if it were a pond and I—a boy with no fish to show.

Words won’t come, as stubborn as a mule,
having wandered off to some far corner of the farm.
I am left with the rustle of the wind,
the idle chatter of the keyboard ticking time away.

Yes, in an old-world style I toy with rhymes,
abab or some...

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self criticalcommunicationprosewriting

Twixt Pen and Eye

I, poet, may write of love

and in that moment feel

a meaning clear:

yet my soul knows love

my hand will never pen


You, reader, read that word

and think to know my mind  


              I say you cannot know the love

my heart placed behind that word, only

your sense of the love you thought you saw


The poet can never truly speak

and have his reader k...

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Can You Just Not

For YOU it's fine

You can talk all the time

To this person and that

The old man and his cat

The farmer and his lama

You're good with the drama

These are the conventions

The inventions

Of a society that shrieks

That you're 'bleat-


If you write.

They are SO full of spite-


With their complaints,

Your character they'll taint

'Your writing i...

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Lost In Translation

From the spirit to the soul
From the soul to the heart 
From the heart to the brain 
From the brain to the throat

From the throat to the mouth
From one mouth to the next
From one language to another

Through the experiences
The perceptions
The assumptions
And the emotions of each listener

The original message
Is ever and forever
Lost in translation

And only if only

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You Never Knew

you think you know a guy 

years, months, weeks, 

day in and day out 

conversations exchanged

how things were left unsaid

how we chose or chose not to be


how we hide behind the way we speak

how we say or don’t say

the things we mean


you think you know a guy

and suddenly he’s a stranger

you never knew his thoughts,

never knew the things he’s done,


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communicationhiding wordssecrets


Two people

who know what they want

and express how they feel

don't fight.

There's just no point in arguing about feelings.

You don't choose your feelings

so you can't be judged for having them.

So why keeping them from others?

Express yourself! 

It helps people understand.

It's called communication.


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Dumb and dumber

We used to chat

On a green screen

In the pre teens

On 3310

As it was 

Back then

SMS texting friends

Was the 

big trend

So relieved

To read

1 Message Received

During break

Used to

Play snake

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communicationHistorymobile phones


I’m not speaking to you today
But I get the feeling you’ve not noticed
I didn’t touch you in bed last night
But you went to sleep just the same
And this morning there’s no change
You look at me and don’t realise
That I’m not speaking to you today
Why can’t you remember why?

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Silent Light 

Hello silence, my old friend.
It's good to embrace you
once again.

No flashing phones.
No clashing tones.
No distracting memes.
No broken dreams.

Just breathing in gratitude,
marinating the moment,
exhaling ego,
connecting to the prophet within.

Listening, learning, loving, 
by the naked light you bring.

# # #

Image by Gerd Altmann...

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I rung to ask if you are okay

but really

I wanted you to know that I am not

you tell me you are doing fine, then say you trust I am

but really

you want me to lie to you, to say all is forgiven

yes, I can read between your lines

but really

I pretend I believe you, and I say goodbye

I sit still, holding the phone and wondering

what went wrong

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Danse Macabre

Too much was lost in silence

too long the time that winds

between our words of love and passion

with communion only in our minds


Too much assumed in union

of our two souls' mute desires

but I did not see her inmost needs

or hear how quietly pain suspires


I should have peeped inside

while she nightly dreamed in peace

to glimpse her mind's apparel

as it dan...

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A Promise to You (Z)(11/01/2017)

A promise to you,

if you are willing.


You and I are worth it

No, that's not right

We are ALL worth it

We are all worth the work

and with that work divided

the load is lighter

I would love to meet her

I would love to love her

To see what you see in her

Because I know it's pure and right for you

She is wonderful

I know she is already

There's one thing w...

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communicationheri love youlovepolypolyamorouspolyamorytrustzach

The messages

What words have passed

What said

What read

What meaning cast?


What recall flows

What thought

What tort

What grievance shows?


What edge is crossed

What line

What sign

What friendship lost?


What nightmare grown

What meme

What seam

What darkness sown?


What text is read

What hyped

What typed

What despair fed?


What lov...

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Wax-Covered Communication

I tried to save you from the world,
but I was too slow.
I tried to put up walls for you.
In places you didn't even know.
But now I'm sitting by myself,
while you're out there on your own.
Wax-covered communication.
On the telephone.


I tried to save the world from you.
The light says to go.
I hope you crash into the wall,
that I built to help you grow.
I am surrounded by my boys.

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Hedging Bets

"Um... (sigh)...I feel, and this is just how I feel, but sometimes it just seems that...and I don't know if this is more about me than you just seems that... (clammy) you think might.....we might....I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but I...uh, I...I may be way off the mark, you know....well, I hope you know....I wouldn't say anything if I didn't care....if I wasn't passion...

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communicationSelf-awarenessself doubt

Modern love

He loves me

in a modern way. He texts me

almost every day. He posts his thoughts

on facebook pages and finds

my crazy cats outrageous. I think

there is a lot we share; Music, films,

the open air. Maybe he'll make

my life complete. I wonder

if we'll ever meet?

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The Communications Trilogy Pt:3 Telephone

Hello friends

 It's been a long time coming but Pt:3 of The Communications Trilogy is finally upon us. This time concentrating on the dreaded audio device of menace, the telephone.

 I've been fairly productive recently so I will be uploading a couple more Poems in quick succession, please take the time to have a look and as always feedback is welcomed.





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The Communications Trilogy Pt:2 Telegram

Hello again

 The time has come to upload part two of my Communications Trilogy. This time the subject of my misery is the dreaded letter. A source of comfort and hope to some and a source of pain and anguish for others. As you may have guessed from part 1 I'm writing from the perspective of the pain and anguish people.

 I hope you enjoy it.



Click! Clack!
The le...

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A Reimagining

Sonnets are meant to be about romance

and love.

You know? All that's good.

But why should form be contained,

can one not make love to the page

in their own expression?

I can,

and will.

Imagination like a dodgems car,

wild yet bumpy.

And I guess that's what love is,

you can try to steer in the right direction

but there will always be obstacl...

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cable laying


Communication of the deepest kind

across the depths of undulating oceans.

Marconi knew.

He wanted words to spread.


Isthmuses and continents are linked.


I didn’t understand until we met

at Poldhu Cove and visited the monument,

our pilgrimage.


With your usual grace, you touched the panel.

Fingertip to bronze,


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