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Moral Corruption



Moral Corruption

There was once a boss who was so vain

With long hair like a girl

He ran his fingers thru this

And swished his tail and his locks

Oh look such a pretty Alpha male boss

With all the selling skills and power

He had a 2nd in command a lieutenant

Whose position was higher than his chair

Both used a 3 step selling technique

It got good results for...

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corruptcall centremanagers

Is this justice?

Is this justice? 

The beggar steals bread from a shop keeper 
He would of paid but alas he’s too eager 
To feed his family for just… one day 
The judge announced 5 years, they will pay 
It’s not like his family, could have their say 

Is this justice? 

The student who cares for their sick 
Plagiarises essays one after another 
To not fall foul of this important course 
But ...

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The old woman says the system only works for certain people

She's right for the system really fricking sucks

In the worst possible damn way

Some people waltz right on in there

And get what they want with no worries

Like thieves in broad daylight

Not giving a hoot about being caught

While those on the list are stuck in limbo

Caught up in a system that doesn't work


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