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duality (Remove filter)

what's that word again?

I've been in my feelings
and in my head for years.
I've built walls and
called them boundaries only
to wake up one day and realize
that I've boxed myself in

and that's the tragedy in it all;

in keeping myself safe
I've locked everything out.
and what a sad way to live,
peaceful and
picking my own muse 
to pieces until the only thing
left is
a bloody pile of 
everything I used to...

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Be comfortable existing in all your dualities, there is no light without darkness

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Me Vs ME. A Dual Reality

every day is another to learn

and indulge in whats present

i figure there is so much that is pleasant

sometimes i have to just sit back and take it all in


in order to reconnect

this place is quite lovely

especially, as i realize im starting to love me

so much thats happening

i can get lost in both of my worlds

i l...

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Be Reasonable

Reason suggests that I should function.

This world doesn’t sleep and nor do I.

Reason brings me false assumptions:

my reason sees reasons to lie.

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Duality Dissected

Sometimes black and white become one. 

Gods omnipresecence is seen, white dancing across black. 

Morning comes from night. 

Day breaks and lights the dark. 

Half the world is light, while the other half is dark.

In the dance of shadows, white light reflects colors on dark night. 

Prisms take white light and reflect colors on black night. 

White light, dark night.

Black canv...

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blackdark side of the moondualityGodIntrospectionPink Floydprismreflectionspiritualitywhite




Violent Energies standing at bay,

Lurking in the shadows,

Stalking their prey

Yearning for the glitch in my stride

Begging for my speech to flutter


It’s either me or the others ?


The sunken place is one we all know

Stuck in the pits of sorrow,

Burrowing ourselves in the depths of our minds,

The world around us becomes blind

The ...

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Our Denial of Hate

Our Denial of Hate



     Within the realms of madness

I look infinity in the eye,

     My hands outstretched to cushion

A fall into a darkened state

But the fall is never ending,

Never ceasing or explaining


     Infinity’s unwelcome grin.


     Downwards I continually plummet,

Like a Halo Jumper

With no parachute,

     No DZ below,

Just an ...

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