The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

extremism (Remove filter)

The Danger of All The Isms...

In these challenging times, this limerick tries to capture the destructive force of all the "isms"—racism, antisemitism, extremism and others—shaping a world where security and peace seem ever more distant. By highlighting the deep-rooted nature of these hatreds, it emphasises how they threaten our safety and undermine the unity we desperately need. A call to action against intolerance, this piece...

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ismsracismantisemitismextremismsocietyhateinsecurityunitylimericksocial justice

Time Was II

Once I was a pacifist, I was an objector. 

A campaigning reformer, I was a protester.  


Now I’m a radical extremist and snowflake moaner. 

Mob rule wokeist, another social-justice warrior. 


Someone who’s made their point but won’t shut up. 

Prepared to tear society apart, a loon, and a zealot. 


An agitator and disrupter, someone who must be reined in. 

A danger ...

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21st c. enlightenment blues

Rattling through the low hills

in the darkness and the endless endless rain
the train is overcrowded
because the train is overcrowded
because the train is always overcrowded
and the conductor’s now a manager
a voice we never see
mumbling something through the tannoy
about weather and delays.
We used to have seats
now we stand
and this is progress.

the airwaves are full bey...

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