The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

financial crisis (Remove filter)

Our Valued Lawn

You only really win, having lost.

On the front lawn, all is identical until you notice it.

Every other blade you see its 50 shades greener than your own.

Those shades depend on light. Those blades gleam off light refracted.

Who has the light?

Every day you look, you stare, you glare

with a drink, with a book, with a chair, with a care.

Your care, carelessly, mi...

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american dreamegocontrolintentionstechnologyfinancial crisisneighborslonelinessmortgageself-reflectionintrusionconflictlawnlightbladegrasswinlostmisplaced time

Capitalism Is Sick

How much is enough?
The question I ask
Of the shareholders rich
Who bring to talk
The board of a company
Who say times are tough
They only made billions in profits…
Disappointing, not enough.


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capitalismausterityfinancial crisis

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