austerity (Remove filter)
Orate Fratres - Brothers, Let us Not Prey
Orate Fratres
Our raison d’être? to fulfil the Lord’s prophecy!
For we are the Tory Party at prayer;
Prayerfully, we arrange the country’s economy
So the wealth of our friends should never be impaired.
Jesus preached that: ‘the poor will always be with us’,
In fulfillment whereof, we his Kingdom prepare;
Let us implement with care, Austerity’s cuts,
With the deserving p...
Monday 19th June 2023 9:57 am
Anti-Social-ist Behaviour Dis-Order
The following is my response to Red Button's recent post:
Britain’s been given
An Anti-Social-ist Behaviour Dis-Order,
The Tories flaunt it,
Like a naughty teen.
Britain’s ill, but can’t get treament,
Because of the cuts,
So the cuts on her wrists,
Are growing in number,
I’ve grown acc...
Monday 28th November 2022 12:55 pm
The pathway is a little bit chewed
A little bit covered
In permafrost
The later that night
The more you surely loss
Deepen the mind’s abyss
Feel around for the light-switch
Avoid the claws
The voices in my head, they are an oligarch
They know you more than your family
And th...
Thursday 4th November 2021 5:20 pm
Lost & Found (And Other Myths)
Lost & Found (And Other Myths)
She couldn’t bloody find it
To fund the NHS
She swore that it was mythical
When the schools were in a mess
She claimed it was a commie myth
And we would all be broke
If we continued looking for it
And believed that beardy bloke.
She laughed at those economists
Who said we should fund community
If the country just believ...
Monday 26th June 2017 3:01 pm
The Birkenhead April Fools
It seems timely, in more ways than one, to post this poem today. It was the local paper of my childhood, the Wirral Globe, which first introduced me to the concept of Fake News with its locally legendary series of April Fool spoof news articles. But it's chilling how close some of these have come to reality...
The Birkenhead April Fools (for Dot Humphrey)
We argue still, my Mum and I,
Saturday 1st April 2017 7:08 pm
Why I Will Not Keep Calm and Carry On
With events across the pond, this seems an appropriate time to raise a little cry of defiance over the state of my own nation, and to remind myself that there's still some fight left in us...
Why I Will Not Keep Calm and Carry On
When I was young, the golden rule
of how to get along at school
was Keep your head down. Don’t make waves.
Don’t stand apart – you’re not that brave.
Wednesday 9th November 2016 12:25 pm
Austerity -
a policy whereby a political administration inflicts financial hardship on the electorate for
putting its trust in a political administration.
Tuesday 2nd February 2016 5:37 pm
Capitalism Is Sick
How much is enough?
The question I ask
Of the shareholders rich
Who bring to talk
The board of a company
Who say times are tough
They only made billions in profits…
Disappointing, not enough.
Tuesday 29th April 2014 12:40 am
the budget statement, in full.
we gave you bread and circuses
now it’s bingo cards and beer
to distract you, so you’re unaware
your future’s disappeared.
© Steve Pottinger
Thursday 20th March 2014 6:16 pm
this could be Anytown
so long as there’s a KFC
a Poundshop
and bookie
this could be Anytown
where kids stay inside
on Playstations
and hide
this could be Anytown
where all the pubs are closing
because folk stay in
this could be Anytown
where the only things that change
are the traffic lights
and pizza range
this could be Anytown
where strange fruit hangs from tr...
Sunday 16th February 2014 8:39 pm
Entropy Song
The Union man gets up to say that rights he fought for day by day
Are quickly being snatched away. Hurrah the Union man!
He’s calling out to you and me to show some solidarity
And march beside the TUC. Defend the Union man!
The low paid worker makes a plea to call upon our sympathy.
The state affords him subsidy to make a living wage.
When public jobs are privatise...
Monday 1st April 2013 4:49 pm
Fiscally revolting
(to the tune of 'coming round the mountain')
The Greek people they have had it up to here,
With those ‘haves’ that say these times must be austere.
Forbes’ list shows the same old picture
The poor pay up - the rich get richer
Publishing financial crimes without a fear.
Has the Parisian Republic gone berserk?
I mean, growth through spending... ...
Monday 11th June 2012 8:19 am
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