The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

economics (Remove filter)


‘Put a brick in the edifice,’

Said the man climbing up the wall.

‘It will reach so high,

It will touch the sky,

Till the day it begins to fall.’


‘But what’s the point?’ I enquired,

‘If it ends up being destroyed?’

‘From out of the rubble

We’ll build back the double,

To make sure that we stay employed.’


‘That strikes me as strange,’ I replied.

‘Because it ...

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Their Favourite Things

Bit of a cockup in original posting -here goes!

Their Favourite Things


Teardops they’re shedding; with lies they’ve been smitten,

“Bright sunlit uplands” still promised for Britons,

Brown paper packages, no attached strings,

Those are a few of their favourite things.


When reality bites, when the truth stings,
When they’re feeling sad,
They’ll simply remember their fa...

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TearsBritonsrealitytrutheconomicsunicornsEssex girlsBrexit

Mrs Todd

She wears sneakers and

Uses the back streets

Dark alleys cover her tracks.

Its like the days of

Prohibition only without the

Tommy guns and as

The first bit in any book on

Economics is

Demand and supply and

They're crying out for her

Services the price is steep.

She sees a police car but it

Zooms off, a false alarm,

This is nerve-racking but a buzz and


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mrs toddprohibitioneconomicszoomsmaskscissors

Herd (Co)Mmunity

Stir crazy, 
my mind’s hazy. 
Penned in like chicken 
that never lays...
e-mergency broadcasts 
and a merging of powers. 

When did we surrender control of the supply chain? 
I hear vegans got beef
with carnies, 
but you can’t get the show on an empty road.


Do we even know where our food is grown? 
Butcher, cheesemonger, greengrocer, and farmer... 
were stripped from our com...

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Corona virusCoronalifefarmingcommunityeconomicsworldagriculturelovepro-community

To Remain


Look, I like having legal rights; to be a citizen not just a subject,
but I’m not without doubts about this great European project.
No, I don’t fear drowning in seas of asylum seekers some’d prefer out of my backyard
but the far right’s rise darkens my night skies and I find some truths really are quite hard.
Yes, the status quo is twisted so some not so nice people do too well off it,

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PoliticsEUreferendumvotevotingEuropeRemainthe sommeeconomicsunioneuropeanflanders

PoLieTics - NaPoWriMo Day 2

We're all in this together,

we're here to represent you.

We will protect the NHS,

pensions, public services, free speech,

the right to protest, journalistic independence

and repair the economy.


But we must keep money

we NEED money.

Generators will not work without capital,

the magnetic pulse of the world will cease

and the crust shall become ...

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BastardsConservativesCutsEconomicsErosionFree SpeechHumanityInjusticeLiarsLibertyPoliticsProtestPut the N into CutsScamScammersScumTories

Fiscally revolting


(to the tune of 'coming round the mountain')



The Greek people they have had it up to here,

With those ‘haves’ that say these times must be austere.

Forbes’ list shows the same old picture

The poor pay up - the rich get richer

Publishing financial crimes without a fear.


Has the Parisian Republic gone berserk?

I mean, growth through spending... ...

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Pursue Transparency


In veils of secrecy the captured states

Obscure the havens of the ultra-rich,

Who claim to hover in their global cloud;

Untouched, untaxable and out of reach.


They slip through loopholes spun, in legal webs,

By spider lawyers, lobbyists, - with bribes.

They loot our assets; dodge, evade and hide;

And multiply their influence round the globe.



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