The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Democracy reveals the state
Of our disunity - Doug.E.Barr, poet


As I stood by the till

I heard a voice call out

It's over - the people's will:

A good result - a real rout

And ducked my head to pay

As the cashier agreed

And ducked my sad head to pray:

My silent view, an alien creed.


It's over - the people have had their say

That last faint hope is gone, done...

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Juvenal 2 (: Europe 0)

I will! I will join Juvenal

at the North world’s end

on the frozen ocean ice

if one more lie is penned

another argument to slice

our country from its friend:

to make us pay the price.

Enough! We see the trend

let that one vote suffice

another will just offend

divide and not entice.

Let the peoples’ will transcend,

better not to ask them twice!

We’re doomed to...

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JuvenalsatiresEUEuropeBrexitvotegovernmentparliamentUKuk government

To Remain


Look, I like having legal rights; to be a citizen not just a subject,
but I’m not without doubts about this great European project.
No, I don’t fear drowning in seas of asylum seekers some’d prefer out of my backyard
but the far right’s rise darkens my night skies and I find some truths really are quite hard.
Yes, the status quo is twisted so some not so nice people do too well off it,

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PoliticsEUreferendumvotevotingEuropeRemainthe sommeeconomicsunioneuropeanflanders

National Wealth Service?

National Wealth Service?

I do not want to lie under accountants sheets
when my body rattles out its failing beats.
Nor do I want to pay for every brick
on those, sad days, when I am feeling sick.
I do not want the most important thing
to be the amount of money that I bring.
I do not think the currency of health
should be determined by your misers wealth.

I couldn’t care less where the...

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national health servicenhstory threatVOTE

Something To Say

Something To Say.

I’ve got something to say about everything -
the bloody Tories and the bloody liberals
and that blood Farage with his bloody racism
and what about the bloody workers
and stop the bloody NHS cuts,
give us all a bloody living wage,
stop the bloody bankers bonuses,
plenty to say about benefits Britain
about the state of the nation,
about the house of lords,
about fracki...

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apathygeneral electionviewsvotefirmagainstapathy

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