The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

foolishness (Remove filter)

Foolish Crowd

There are a lot of mysteries, anomalies and such,

things that seem to have no explanation why they are.

One of these (above the rest) that makes me wonder much -

is how the foolish crowd is made of people who are far


from being foolish on their own. Yes, people who are good.

Yet somehow when they’re in a group, mysteriously they change.

It’s something I suppose just really...

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Why do we always end up in the place where we began?

Why is it freedom fades away and dies in every land?


I think the problem lies within the reason why we fight,

for it is not to win the war then stand guard day and night


with vigilance. No sadly this is not the cause at all,

and so the stage is set that every time we rise we fall.


Yes, time has shown we do not fi...

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freedomerosion of freedomfoolishness

A Step Half Made

As lightening shone and thunder blew,

I danced the dance that dancers do.


They danced it back and asked if I

would mind them dancing through the night.


I thought no harm could come of this

besides, such company I’ve missed.


Thus, on we danced so unaware

that torrent rains beyond compare


fell down in floods on higher ground,

and like a wall came crashi...

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They say that the truth is a hard thing to take,

but maybe it’s time that we see

that we as a people are nothing but fake,

ensuring that’s how it will be.


We stand up demanding there’s tolerance,

doing so with our fists in the air.

It’s truly the oddest dance ever been danced,

hypocrisy beyond compare.


We claim we want peace but we seek the next fight

as we...

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Argument with a Fool

He seeks no answer

Yet he asks to seek a fight

It's just not worth it

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Foolish Pleasures

Sending that text in the midst of anger

Waiting for love in the rain

Watching TV in the bedroom so late

That your eyes start to smart with the strain.


Eat chips, drink wine, eat more cake in the dark

Smoke when your chest’s sounding rough

Watch scary movies with only one eye

Lie awake imagining stuff.


Answer the land-line, though it’s a cold caller

Go out in th...

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compensatory delusion

a kindest gesture
above all others 
received gratefully 
was to be shown the door
leaving behind a pillared 
image of affection; 
gloved, pugilistic,
guarded stance
holding no sacred
ground -impugned
zero rated disuse;
here it all unravels:
of what benefit is
this grossly overpriced
monstrosity of a car
or these now stained 
designer threads
had you cared less
we’d end up here

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April themefoolishnessfolly

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