The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

harsh reality (Remove filter)

Infectious disease

The world's most infectious disease is the falsification of reality, it spreads like wildfire and everybody does it...that's why the world is in flames.

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realitylost realityharsh realityworldwide

Sky farmers

Atmospheric asphyxia,


Possibly the reason for ADHD and dyslexia, more to the point causing total hysteria, CO2 saving to save the world, but still fly your bombs off to Syria.


My eyes are open early to ensure my mind stays sure, I observe white planes against the clear blue canvas and the lines that they can draw.Ā 



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Conspiracy Theorieswarharsh reality


Every single waking moment.
A mental strife,
Please remember.
Why can't you just do that one simple thing?
Why can't you stop?
Find peace for once,
Make it easier for everyone you say you care for.
Where am I?
What was my goal?
I feel like you remember,
I can see it in your eyes,
You know something about me that I don't.
Please, won't you tell me?
I need to know,
Why won't you tell m...

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adultpersonalrealityharsh reality

Dagger of truth

A dreamy vision, starry eyed it is,

Idealistic, a myriad morality,Ā 

Oh! What delightful bliss it is

Truth, as they say, an epitome of spirituality.


Ancient, carved with exquisiteness,

Still radiating ideals, long buried in dunes

Glistening, emanating duality of high finesse,

With nuance, complexities of aged runes.


As tinted blue waters, it flows endlessly

As d...

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harsh realitytruth dark

When the truth hurts

??ā€ā™€ļø WHEN THE TRUTH HURTS ??ā€ā™€ļø

My heart hurts and rage runs through my veins and even though I don't know her I can still feel her pain.
This right here hurts and it's not because of her race. It's the fact it's another human being that because of crooked cops they have deformed another face.
Everyone has something say but in reality the real matters of this country they try to ignore.

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Lifepainharsh realityheartlessracism; police brutality

Believe it or not

Believe it or not but you are a culpritĀ 

Believe it or not but you are dead

All the words you speak, the thoughts you have

It's all what they fedĀ 

The collar is around your neckĀ 

The rein is in their handsĀ 

No matter how far you wanna goĀ 

You do what they say instead.


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Poetryharsh realitysociety


I find that I must live in a world

Where, between that desperate dusk and a new dawn,

And between many a dawn and its dusk,

The only reality lies in love.


To be in love in that first dawn

And in the dusk, was to feel the sun

Warm our very passion every minute of every hour,

Reality lay only in the other.

And beyond that dreadful dusk, nothing

but dawns and dusk and ...

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lovetimehopeharsh realityrenewal

Peace with Self


Searching in state of futility

for favorable drift of gust Ā 


Waiting for an apt moment

to trim sails for final thrust


Ā Weathered many a past gale

now to placidity must align


Get rid of vain probabilities

and to harsh realism resign


All expectancy disconnected

disappointment amputates


Acceptance acts as panacea

feel good truly accentua...

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harsh reality

Living with a Self Harmer

Caring not one jot
For anyone else.
Me, me, me, me
I, I, I, I, I.
No substance
Except abuse.
No excuse
Get on with it.

M u u u meee
Pushing buttons.
Give me your attention
Or I will cut.
Get on with it
The answer.
Dispicable tart
Knicker elastic worn.

I can break you up
I will cut.
Get on with it
Wedge I will drive.
Your stealing my
M u u u meee
I will cut.


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self harmmindharsh realitylife's reflection

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