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Quiet Example

Tis an interesting thing to consider yet

the value of a quiet example set.


Like the crystal streams, or the mountain air –

consistent, constant, always there.


Blessing every soul who happens by.

Never asking who, never asking why.


Giving joy just by being who they simply are.

Giving light through the night like a brilliant star.


Giving hope to the cr...

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The Gatherer

The Gatherer and the Giver sat atop a hill to gaze again
down at the village where they lived, and talk about the ones in need.
At end of day as sun went down, they sat there talking in the dim
as soul by soul they contemplated what was the best way to feed.

They did this often for they knew, despite the many years gone by,
the need to gather and to give would always be in high demand.

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Not A Single Thing

At the end of the day if the truth be told,
we don't own a single thing we hold.
Not the spoils we gain, nor the gold in hand.
Not the things we reap. Not the tracks of land
that we build upon, where we stake our claim.
Not the talents held, nor the claims to fame.
Not the words we write. Not the songs we sing.
No, we don’t own a single thing.
But the will we hold deep inside our heart.

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Strangers Unaware

How odd this ragged stranger seems

who jarred me from my frozen stare,

at dust and dreams and other things

for which I spend my time and care.


No other man hath paid him mind,

no nod, nor smile, nor kindness shown.

No, none at all hath lent him time.

No good man opened up his home.


So what is lost if I like they

wave off a hand and turn back in,

and quickly ...

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Adiuva Me

Now help me...

Help me, cry out. 

As I'm in a peaceful place,  but I believe it's hell. 




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