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humour. politics (Remove filter)

The VIP Fast Lane

Hello Michael, Michelle here, are you free?

I understand you need a hand with Covid PPE

We’ve got factories in Hong Kong, Indonesia, and Laos

And if you help us get the contract

We can build a nice new house


It isn’t complicated, just a straightforward import shipment

For the rapid expedition of personal protective equipment 

The kind of gear you need - masks and gowns an...

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Covid lockdowncovid capitalism. covid-19political satirehumour. politics

Ghost Train

Ghost Train


This is the ghost train that won’t make the Border, 

Bringing chaos and transport disorder

More cash for the rich, no help to the poor

Closed shops on the corner, all empty next door

Pulling up in Brum, the end of the line

Well over budget, stopped in time

No cotton grass or moorland boulder

No fast trains til we’re all a lot older

No student railcards o...

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HS2Trainshumour. politicsAudennorth to southnorthern town

From the frying pan into the fire


Seeing a swarm of flies

Seeping the sap of

A hand-deprived

Leaper's fresh wound

A good Samaritan

Disarrayed them with

A hand clap “Twa!” sound

Getting as close as he could

In vain expecting

“A thank you!” gratitude.


“You shouldn't have done that

When the former ones,

Who had their fills, depart

The famished ones come forth

For their part

To si...

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humour. politics

Green is..

Green is a colour

Sea green, Pea green, Spring bud and Tea green

Bright green, Pine green, Jade green and Lime green

Fern green, Olive green, Asparagus and Forest green

Pine green, Jungle green, Kelly, Myrtle, Hunter green

Emerald green, Lawn green, Shamrock green, Faun(a) green

Spring green, Moss green, Olive drab and Offi...

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greenhumour. politics

I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Parliamentarian

I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Parliamentarian: Election May 2010

with apologies to Gilbert and Sullivan:"Pirates of Penzance" " I Am The Very Model of a Modern Major General"


 I am the very model of a modern parliamentarian,

I've information on Iraq and even on Afghanistan.

I've met the Queen of England and can quote our fights historical,

From Thatcher, Blair and Br...

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humour. politics

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