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inlove (Remove filter)


Your love isn't something I would willingly give away 

I wouldn't dare make a mistake, so that your love would decay

They say I'm on a leash but I wouldn't care anyway 

Your love is for me like a flower on a rainy day

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lovehappyinlovehonestylovers poemscourage


To love deeply is like wearing your heart on the outside of your body
Protect it like you would a baby
Protected not smothered
Be gentle oh fragile one's Hearts
Be careful with the heart of another
If broken I fear that this time this Heart may never recover

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Astonishingly mesmerised by you from the moment I heard your voice ...set eyes on you
Connected with you
So many thoughts and feelings you triggered
This can only be what true love feels like I figured

Unknown to me that I'd never felt it
Suddenly my heart was wax you came to melt it
Up until then I felt incontrol
The idea that I now share my soul
The fact that now I still look at you as...

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God Blessable Bless


Were are you now my love
My sorrow my pain
For love is pain
Sharper than blades
Explosive  bombs  distructive  grenades
A mix of all emotions
Heat from the sun waves of the oceans
Heart and soul bottled as potions
Nothing but a cork keeping them in
Oh fragile glass bottle oh cork screw of sin
Remain untouched no pressure applied
Unaggravated carefully  captured inside
To speak is ...

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For Hunter

I wish I could hide away from the rest of the world in your arms

bury my face in your chest only coming back up to kiss your kneck

Sometimes I miss the way you wouldn't call be by my name, but

instead called me beautiful

You swore to me late at night that I was your soulmate

but being soulmates wouldn't be enough to save you from your one true love

the drugs and the booze 


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This Boy

Much like my father this boy that I have intriguingly clung to does not have any appreciation for my existence much less my helpless soul.

I feel like the caring down syndrome child that begs his alcoholic of a father to love him yet the only thing he has spoken is how unmanageable the poor child is.

I am very lost and also heartbroken, I am the dirty tile in the corner of the kitchen that i...

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