The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

lost reality (Remove filter)

Infectious disease

The world's most infectious disease is the falsification of reality, it spreads like wildfire and everybody does it...that's why the world is in flames.

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realitylost realityharsh realityworldwide

The Last Carriage

I sit on the waiting seat on the station,

Not alone,

Many friends are waiting as well,

We share the same destination.


Not long after, the train arrives.

I look at my ticket,

"Ah, not my train", I say.

Some friends board,

They wave their hands,

We exchange smiles,

I'm left with the unfinished puzzle in my hand.


Not long after, another train arrives.

I l...

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lifejourneyfarewellhuman journeySelf-discoveryselfrelationshipslife storylovelost reality

I Lost

Lost my way in the sun,
got lost in my oblivion,
wandered through the maze
inside my brain
found my way
back again.

I broke the wires
back there,
but I make them pure,
gold like a river
I flow.

I let it go,
my hope

My yellow brick road
will take me home
to the silver blue,
my pure, my sweet,
my golden fire moon.

I fell in lust,
the ego owned ...

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Changelost realityrealisationrecoveryDrugs

Summer Worries

The warm and jolly streams of wind 

Are finding paths all through my hair

Just to escape the summer sun

And hope that it won't find them there.


They played this game all through my past,

But for today I couldn't care.

I have a problem on my mind 

Thant won't disolve in boiling air.


I dream of rest for broken minds.

I dream of peace inside my head.

The one I ...

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anxietysummerlost reality

There are doors

Thoughts are passing

through doors and gates

To parallel worlds,

with alternative fates.

A lucid dream,

a psychedelic trace.

An open landscape,

or a crowded place.

Pools of water,

dive in take a look.

A different way to travel,

like a wardrobe in a book.

Are we on the way there?

are we on the right track?

Or falling through a hole,


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dreamstravellost realitychildhood

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