The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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He got his brother's phone call while wiping a cabinet.
His eyes went side to side --like a cartoon character
having a conniption. Even though there was an inkling
of a nose-dive, the mind plays tricks thinking maybe;
a rally could plant the feet on terra firma again.

There was too much to express without ample time.
Junior had rehearsed the denouement until fluent, but
forty miles a...

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The Causeway Between Our Hearts

Tonight, I eye the wind 
as it dances on the water
singing of the distance
that no longer can be closed

Well, I told you I was selfish
there were no children in me
Unwilling to stir for a moment
from this endless daydream
where I father my creativity

You told me that you knew me 
our hearts beating to that same drum set
and no one must wake you either 
That carving pretty worlds

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assumptionscreativesmissed opportunitieswriters

Each Branch I Snap


each branch I snap spills
accusations of every broken neck I ever wished
so out of politeness I bow my head
to show the dotted line,
the hemp tattooed severance knot;
that grace, which allows my hands
such time to forsake the face
of saved history
when everyday swings
the way of an ending that wont be changed
the grass, as always, redder
on that...

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Moving onregretageingmissed opportunitiesbitternessmaliceresignationresistancejealousy

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