politics (Remove filter)
DECLINE AND FALL (this one for the longlinists)
(With great respect to William McGonagall)
“Conservatives must win here to stop 5 more years of Gordon Brown”
This was the flyer - approved and printed – subsequently distributed round suburbs and town.
And the people of Newbury – as is their wont – largely ignored its gaudy flaunt.
Though it might well be assumed its intent was - the more Brownophobic citizens - to daunt.
...Friday 25th October 2013 10:13 pm
Just Passing Water
They say the playing fields of Eton
Have given this nation so very much:
This current set of mental inbreeds
Who’ve lost the common touch?
They’ve taxed our beer, cigs and patties,
Expect us all to work some years longer
All in the cause and the name of making
Both us and the nation that much stronger.
They’re the one nation Tories;
Thursday 3rd October 2013 12:55 pm
Itchy eyes get claustrophobic
And crawl out of their cradle skin,
Down copper and carbon conductive tracks
That refract, through a Prism.
On through invisible fire walls of steel machines,
A thousand eyes, packed inside, one computer screen.
Crashing through Windows like sun light,
Juicing Apples, and goggling your Google Plus.
The paradime online, access anytime,
Free ride...
Friday 21st June 2013 10:06 pm
Attention Dear David
Dial up all your spin now and tell us some more of your lies,
but you know it won't save your party from a very big surprise,
for there are still more debts growing despite all of your cuts,
by the end of your term in power we'll fight for old shanty huts,
for the truth is our country owes much more than do the Greeks,
Nine times our GDP is what your chum Osborne...
Tuesday 18th June 2013 11:51 pm
When Obama goes to bed
When Obama goes to bed,
Before he rests his weary head,
Does he say a prayer for those,
His unmanned drones left comatose?
Does he shed a single tear,
As Palestinians live in fear?
Does he hear their cries and still,
Think collateral damage, is a necessary ill?
Does he talk to God, on sleepless nights,
They discuss Islamic rebels by candlelight.
Which freedom fighters ...
Saturday 18th May 2013 12:13 am
Stop the cuts
Stop the cuts, and stop the closures,
Private companies, trying to own us,
Globalist profits, tax payer exposure,
Figures kept under wraps, like a banker’s bonus.
Stop the cuts, ‘cos they’re completely unfair,
There’s no need, for cuts to welfare.
Why not abolish Trident next year,
And concentrate on the families living in fear?
Struggling to pay the rent this month,
Feed your...
Friday 26th April 2013 8:21 pm
Ripples of Detriment
Saturday 13th April 2013 2:28 am
You can't Streep poverty under the carpet... - NaPoWriMo Day 9
A silence fell upon the city,
contorted shadows twisting moonlight.
Stuttering in a speakeasy seemed so misplaced
bottles rattled flickering like Fedora feathers
in an unforgiving wind.
The wretched odour of deprivation
a stench that sticks and degrades ones existence.
Even by day this city remains a lifeless sap
and by night the vampires feast on th...
Tuesday 9th April 2013 4:44 pm
PoLieTics - NaPoWriMo Day 2
We're all in this together,
we're here to represent you.
We will protect the NHS,
pensions, public services, free speech,
the right to protest, journalistic independence
and repair the economy.
But we must keep money
we NEED money.
Generators will not work without capital,
the magnetic pulse of the world will cease
and the crust shall become ...
Tuesday 2nd April 2013 4:38 pm
Support the troops
Support the troops they say, well I do,
When I stand here and tell you politicians real values,
Now how about some support from the government too?
The injured wait years for benefit payments to come through.
That's why there's soldiers sleeping on the streets of our cities,
Victims of war deserve more after those attrocites.
Support the troops, says Obama from the...
Sunday 24th March 2013 5:01 pm
Free Shaker Aamer
Free Shaker Aamer,
The last Londoner in Guantanamo
Ten years of detension,
Is where American taxes go.
Obama promised,
Said he'd let those people go
Just goes to show,
Doesn't matter which side of the coin you throw,
To torture with no charge, is where your taxes go.
Free Shaker Aamer,
Cos it's the right thing to do
Sign the petition,
If you...
Wednesday 20th March 2013 10:12 pm
It’s not the same for banksters,
The real gangsters,
Never wind up in handcuffs.
Behind scandals, there’s board rooms,
And JP Morgan goons,
That don’t care if you choke on the fumes,
Of their cooperate joyriding,
As long as you keep abiding,
By standards they’d never live by,
Like eating a steak pie,
That’s 99 per cent horse and 1 per cent fly!
Thursday 21st February 2013 9:52 pm
The Conservative
disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones,
and to limit change.
Every morning on the TV – It’s just not like what it used to be
Kids these days they’ve got no clue, they RIOT, they’re not POLITE – they don’t appreciate SHITE!
In MY day - i...
Tuesday 5th February 2013 7:07 pm
A civil war, where the mind is as powerful as the gun
I think we need a civil war,
‘Cos change can never come from petitions,
Whilst politicians don’t even make the decisions.
And it’s not about royalty or roundhead,
It’s more like Malcom X said there’s field slaves,
And those stuck in the house brain dead.
A civil war,
Overthrowing central banks,
Burning Union flags and oil tanks,
Knocking on ...
Saturday 2nd February 2013 11:02 pm
Fashion antithesis
The fashion industry grips girls and boys in a funny spot,
Gets self hatred leaking from their mouth's like a money shot.
‘Cos there’s nothing wrong with exercise to tighten your thighs,
But there’s something wrong with drinking bleach to purify your insides.
So if we run out of cannabis,
I’ll have to handle this,
Just to release the pressure on her
With a fashion antithesis.
Friday 18th January 2013 11:29 pm
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