The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

shield (Remove filter)


Oh, supreme maestro of chaos well devised
Thou who dost turn falsehoods into legacy prized
Thy hair, the clouds of a kitsch tempest wild
Thy suit, a shield 'gainst truths that are reviled

"Make America great again!" thou dost proclaim
Whilst selling dreams wrought with horror and shame
Thy walls are verses in blind poetry penned
That part and divide, yet intrigue to no end

Thou, who sp...

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The Shield

How can I say how I feel,

Describe words to you that you will understand,

If I myself don't understand...


There are days I just want to scream.

When all I crave is to be heard,

For someone to simply understand how I feel.

Someone who grabs my hand without needing to be asked,

Simply because I need to feel the support.


It is so easy for me to say everything's okay...

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